View Full Version : Need to loop a video on a

David Banner
April 22nd, 2019, 08:53 AM
I need to put a video with audio on a tablet and have it loop continuously. We are thinking an iPad but the tablet hasn't been purchased yet so I can suggest other options.

Not being a gadget guy myself, my research so far indicates this is more difficult than it should be.
Any ideas on what tablet to get and how to get the video onto it and loop it?

I tried to go to the old apple forum I used to go to on occasion, but it seems to be gone now. So I don't know where to turn

Battle Vaughan
April 22nd, 2019, 09:34 AM
Download a copy of VideoLan, or VLC as it's known, it's a versatile player and is freeware, available for windows and mac. Select the loop tool in the playback window. Done.

How to get the video on your tablet will depend on the tablet, many connect via usb to your computer for direct file share. Or you may need to copy the video file onto a micro-sd card and sneakernet it from your computer to the tablet. I am windows and android user so I can't tell you specifically about macs procedures. But if this is a single purpose device you may find an android tablet more cost efficient than an ipad, my two cents.

There is an Android version of VLC you can download from the Google PlayStore. I have run this on an Android tablet when I want to show a sample of my work, works fine. (See edit)

/// edit: I downloaded the current android vlc while I was thinking about it, this version may be problematic; maxing out ram and the videos are hanging. I am on an older galaxy tablet, don't know if this would happen with a newer one.

/// additional info, upon further research, there is a PlayStore app, freeware, called IVideo Player, which runs and loops nicely. VLC might also work in a more recent and higher-ram tablet, and works a treat on my laptop. Both are free, so no cost to try.

David Banner
April 22nd, 2019, 05:45 PM
Thank you very much. Is Ivideo for android?

I do believe this tablet will be used for single purpose - connected to an exhibit/display

Battle Vaughan
April 22nd, 2019, 06:39 PM
Yes IVideo is Android, download from Google Play Store. When you run it there is a control panel that appears when you click under the video, the usual start/stop icons. At the lower right is a circle, which is the loop selector. Click to enable or disable (a line shows through the circle when disabled.) Works nicely, thanks for providing the opportunity to find this.

David Banner
April 22nd, 2019, 08:30 PM
Thank you very much. I'm an idiot when it comes to these consumer gadgets.
Funny thing is I know a bunch of girls who have smart phones and tablets attached to them nearly all the time yet none of them knew either.

I think I'm going to try to convince them to go android. Since I have mainly pc it may be easier to get the video onto it too

Donald McPherson
April 23rd, 2019, 12:02 AM
Remember and keep the tablet plugged into the charger so the battery does not run down.