View Full Version : No Thumbnail option in Vegas Pro explorer

Ian Chapman
January 6th, 2019, 10:58 AM
Hi, my main machine is being replaced, so I went back to a former one with Pro 11 32 bit on it. Within the Explorer drop down menu there is no option given to display 'show thumbnails' and of course I can't view thumbnails, Anyone know of this plus a fix?



George Dean
January 6th, 2019, 11:51 AM
Ian, I don't have VP11, I have Sony Vegas Pro 13, so this may not apply and you have probably thought of it anyway.....if you grab the right side of the Explorer window and drag it left to shrink the display window there is a point that the 'View' option icon will disappear. Could that be the issue?

Otherwise have you tried.......clicking on the 'View' tab, then 'Windows Layout', then 'Default Layout' (keyboard shortcut Alt+D, D), to see if that will bring it back.

Jorma Nippala
January 6th, 2019, 12:35 PM
Thumbnails is a View option in Explorer as of Vegas Pro 12 /VMSP 13. You might try right-clicking files/folders in Explorer. Choose then to "Explore Current Folder" and there the option to see Thumbnails.
See if it's of any help.

Graham Bernard
January 7th, 2019, 01:00 AM
Within the Explorer drop down menu there is no option given to display 'show thumbnails' and of course I can't view thumbnails, Anyone know of this plus a fix?Hi Ian, you got your answer over on the COW, so as to a “fix” I don’t see this ever happening as VP has moved on and is owned by another company.

Ian Chapman
January 7th, 2019, 05:18 AM
Yes mate. It was just that I had been using later editions on my now defunct computer, and when I reverted to an older one I couldn't work out what was going on...don't know how I ever managed without thumbnails...probably used Canon XF utility for most thumbnails. it's odd though that no thumbnails show up by default on V11...anyway thanks for your help and my new computer will be ready soon.


Graham Bernard
January 8th, 2019, 01:41 AM
it's odd though that no thumbnails show up by default on V11... No Ian, not odd at all, it was never ever a VP11 feature to start with, so it couldn't have been revealed from a "default" Start opening. It just wasn't there to start with.

Anyways, good luck with the new PC - I love the smell of a new PC in the morning