View Full Version : Multi Camera editing Vegas 16?

Gerald Webb
October 26th, 2018, 03:47 AM
Hi guys,
Been away for a while in the land of Final Cut but got an email this morning about Vegas 16.
Can anyone answer this...
When I used to do multi cam in Vegas I remember it was no easy task to open up your combined tracks and apply CC, shift things around, add a track etc.
Has the multi cam workflow changed at all since 13 or is it still the same?

Christopher Young
October 26th, 2018, 04:43 AM

Basically the same in 16 as previously. Curious about the CC comment though.

If you have footage on the timeline and apply your CC decisions to the media in the Project Media bin before switching by right clicking and applying Media FX the CC you apply in the bin stays throughout the multicam switch process. While you are actually live switching the CC is switched off so as to minimize the drain on the CPU/GPU. The minute you stop though and disable multicam to expand the tracks for rendering all the CC FX that you applied in the Project Media bins are applied to all cuts. Once the switch is finished yes you can then re-trim switch points add dissolves etc. You can if required apply additional CC and lift, gamma and gain adjustment to individual cuts on the time line.

As regards adding tracks if you mean audio yes easy just expand your tracks drop in whatever you need onto new tracks adjust and render the whole lot out. Adding a video track after a switch? Why would you do that? If you want to replace a couple of shots from one of the other reels you can always use the right click 'open in trimmer' for the match frame point and select 'video only / add video as takes' and drag the selection to the clip you want to swap. It will go in at the same duration as the shot you are replacing. If you then want to adjust the length of the replacement shot vis a vis the adjoining shot it's just a matter of using the CTRL/ALT keys together and dragging the cut point left or right just like in normal editing.

I find the Multicam in Vegas very useful in as much that you as you can do non quantized frame adjustments to tracks to get inter-frame accuracy with both video and audio and then re-lock your quantization back to frames for the switch. Often with audio if you are using line feeds and ambient tracks together there is a timing inaccuracy between the audio channels. If this is out by let's a 1.6 frames this can accurately be corrected. In most NLE this sub frame correction requirement can only be done frame based, not sub-frame.

There again all the above has been available since I can't remember when? I know it was in v8 and most likely well before that. All much the same in other words :)

Chris Young

Edward Troxel
October 26th, 2018, 08:57 AM
And the scripting options (such as Excalibur) for multi-cam also exist so you have a variety of options for multi-cam in Vegas besides the built-in one.

Gerald Webb
October 26th, 2018, 02:17 PM
Thanks Chris and Edward.

Re. CC. Yes, I remember I could apply corrections in the Bin to a whole camera which was fine for general changes like one camera is a bit darker or lighter etc. However, with live shows, I found it was often necessary to change the corrections with the changes in lighting as the show progressed.
Maybe the cameras all the look the same in a dark scene but then it brightens up and due to the different response of the cameras they look completely different again.
The answer in other softwares is to open up your Multicam tracks and Blade all of the tracks at certain points leaving your corrections in the past, then tweaking the changes as you move forward.
I tried to get around this with nesting but every time I made a change to one off the nested tracks Vegas wanted to rebuild Peaks which took forever.

By adding tracks, for example, (this actually happened).
You are close to completing an edit. Client rings and says they now have some more phone footage from on stage of awards being given, hugs, etc. A few minutes of nice images that can be included in the edit.
I remember lots of discussion about un combining tracks and losing your edits, or not being able to re combine..??? Cant remember exactly.
Again, in other software, I can just open the angle editor, choose to Add Angle, drop in the new footage and keep cutting in the original project with new footage available as an extra camera in the viewer.

Can you change aspects of the Vegas Multicam comp without losing your work?

I never tried Excalibur for Multi cam Edward. I remember seeing something in an example online where it works similar to Edius in that it mutes the tracks with all tracks being visible all of the time?
If you have some online examples could you post links here please. Ill do some searching now.

Cheers guys.

Edward Troxel
October 26th, 2018, 08:13 PM
There's an older Excalibur multi-cam video found here (but the process has not changed):

Excalibur (

Bill Rankin
November 1st, 2018, 07:27 PM
After reading this thread I concluded that you can NOT undo a multicam tract to make individual track adjustment (ex. adjust resolution).

Is this correct?

Christopher Young
November 2nd, 2018, 05:14 AM
Sorry Bill don't understand the question? Adjust resolution of a track? What like from an actual 1920 to 1280 or something like that? I guess this leads to the next question. Why would you want to do this? Change the resolution of one track vis a vis other tracks. The overall resolution of your projects is defined by your Project Properties regardless of what resolution clips are in the Project Media bins 1920,1280, 2048 etc.

On the other hand if you mean something like you want to tighten up on your wide camera after you have finished the switch and deselected "Enable Multicamera Editing" then this can be achieved by doing the following. #1 Choose one of the wide camera shots, normally the first wide cut on the timeline, use pan/crop to punch in to the zoomed in size you want. #2 Right click and select "Copy". #3 Now Right click again on the same cut and choose "Select In Project Media List." The wide camera camera footage is now highlighted in the Project Media bin. #4 Right click on the highlighted clip in the media bin. #5 Choose "Select Timeline Events." This will highlight all the wide camera shots on the timeline. #6 Select another wide shot cut on the time and right click and use "Paste Event Attributes" This will now apply the pan/crop you selected for your first wide shot to all the wide camera shots on your switch cut timeline.

A second option is to add another video track and then follow all the above steps up to #5 "Select Timeline Events" and then use CTRL C to copy them all. Now line up your cursor at the head of the switch cut and use CTRL V to paste all that particular camera's selected clips onto the new track. Now for example you can apply a Track Motion effect to all those clips. Or a slight gamma or color correction to that camera using the Track FX selection.

Chris Young

Bill Rankin
November 2nd, 2018, 08:03 AM
What like from an actual 1920 to 1280 or something like that?

Yes. I have 4 tracks (all 1920 x 1080), but a I will output to 1280 x 1080. What I need to do is adjust one of the tracks to zoom in at one point in the video ( to 1280), and also slide another part of the clip to one side at 1280 resolution.

Christopher Young
November 3rd, 2018, 03:08 AM
Using my second option that is very easy to achieve. With all the clips on the new tack lets say there are 15 shots you want to tighten up to a 1280 selection. Just adjust the first shot you want to 1280 using pan/crop. then right click on that cut and select Copy. Now using the Selection Edit Tool select the remaining 14 shots and on any one of the 14 shots right click and select "Paste Event Attributes." Job done. Regarding the slide over use the same pan/crop technique, Copy, Selection Edit Tool followed by Paste Event Attributes.

That;s what I love about Vegas, ease and powerful flexibility.

Chris Young.

Bill Rankin
November 4th, 2018, 07:23 PM
Thanks...I will try to do that....still learning the software.