View Full Version : HD100 & Vector scope?

Guy Barwood
October 31st, 2005, 06:38 PM
I remember someone did a vector scope analysis of the Z1s image and compared it too its bigger HD cousins. It was of a lot of interest to many at the time.

Has anyone done this with the HD100 yet? Test how accurate the colours are etc on a vector scope?

The reason I ask it because I was talking to one of our rental shops here who are 50m from my day job (I support their IT infrastructure) and thankfully they said they will be getting a few HD101s in sooner or later (which will give me a great place to play and rent one from until I eventually buy). Anyway, they said their at one of their recent meetings of film producers they connected a HD101e to a vectorscope, but weren't particularly impressed.

I don't know how fussy they were, but he said they thought the Z1 was more accurate with its colours. He wasn't bagging it saying it was bad, but just that it didn't come close to 'broadcast' cameras.

I will be this was with the stock settings of the camera. If someone with a scope could calibrate their camera (using all the adjustments in the menu) I bet they could improve the scope levels to be better/true to life than a Z1, then share that profile...

And in the end all this is pure analytical, but I guess those high end cameras do so well on a VS themselves for a reason as well.

Tim Dashwood
October 31st, 2005, 08:49 PM
I've already done this. The results are in this thread:

I would say that your rental house buddies are referring to the "out-of-the-box" CINE MATRIX when they refer to the colour reproduction of the camera. Using STANDARD MATRIX renders much more "video" like results.
However, everything can be tweaked to your liking.

Guy Barwood
October 31st, 2005, 09:21 PM
Not quite the same test as I saw for the Z1 but the biggest problem is a lack of frame of reference from a bigger brother. Something to show where we would like to be/see on the scope and how close we can get (with what settings etc) [theoretical perfect resonse). Personally I'm not interested in trying to match a DV100. I'm also looking for some info to feedback to this source to motivate them to get their HD101s in a bit faster ;-)

Mainly a thing of curiosity though. I liked your mov file of the different settings and the gamma curve.

Tim Dashwood
October 31st, 2005, 09:33 PM
Maybe you can point me to the Z1 test so I know what you mean.
The idea of using a GretagMacbeth chart is for common reference. If someone else shoots the same chart on any other camera I can match it easily with waveform/vectorscope.

Guy Barwood
October 31st, 2005, 10:23 PM
Unfortunately I never did bookmark it and google can't find it, so there isn't much more that can be done I guess.

From memory it was a Japanese based site (but in english). The vector scope image was of both the colour wheel, but also one of different levels in an X-Y graph axis. THere wen't anywhere near as many colours as your chart though.

The key was they had (from memory) either Sony F900 or similar response on the same image or next to it too compare to. To someone like me, not familiar with what other cameras produce, a colour wheel of a chart by itself doesn't help much. I have no frame of reference (but thats not your fault of course)