Gerald Webb
September 19th, 2018, 04:58 AM
Hi Guys,
Thinking about getting a new iMac, the 4.2GHZ i7 with the 8GB 580 and 40GB of ram and 512GB SSD.
Is anyone here using this machine or similar to do multicam edits with GH4/5 8bit 4k files?
Im trying to get a no proxy workflow (proxies work for me now, but want to bypass the encoding time).
I also need to be able to smoothly use the JKL keys, so at least 3x fast forward.
Is this a big ask? Am I better off to get the iMac Pro?
I wish I could take an external drive into a shop and just try them out....
Any feedback appreciated
W. Bill Magac
September 19th, 2018, 07:05 AM
I bought the same iMac configuration a year ago. If I was buying today I would go with the iMac Pro. Bring in an external drive to your Apple store. I did. The new iMacs work best with TB3 external drives.
William Hohauser
September 19th, 2018, 02:09 PM
I would be wary of expecting the i7 iMac to handle three streams of 4K files un-optimized from the GH5. Each of those are hefty h264 files that need real-time decoding before it can run in the program smoothly. If you can get your local dealer to run this multicam set-up in FCPX on a showroom model then do it. But a minute of working isn't going to tell you, you need to run the simulation for a while (with cutting) to see if the video card can hold up to the computational strain.
Gerald Webb
September 21st, 2018, 03:57 AM
Found an Apple store about an hour away with a iMac Pro Base model on the floor. They are happy to let me bring in a drive with a library on it and test it out.
Will report back.
Harry Pallenberg
October 30th, 2018, 03:52 PM
So... any update?
Gerald Webb
October 31st, 2018, 01:36 AM
Sorry, no updates from me.
I ended up finding info that confirmed the iMac pro was a poor choice for the codecs I edit.
Was waiting for today’s Apple event to see the updated iMacs but there doesn’t seem to be any news.
Guess I’ll get a Mac Mini lol
Donald McPherson
October 31st, 2018, 12:58 PM
To be honest I would rather use something like Roland V-1HD and an HDMI - USB converter into a computer for three or four cameras.