View Full Version : Question about the GG in the Letus35

Chad Schultz
October 31st, 2005, 04:35 PM
When I was cleaning the unit the GG fell out and I put it back in without really taking a good look at it.

Are both sides the same, and does it matter which side is facing towards the camera?

The unit is clean now and I'd rather not take it apart, unscrewing it causes little flecks of metal from the ends to fall down into it.

I'm stuck at work and don't have access to all my files but here's a sample from last night, I was using a 50mm 1.4 lens with a 2x teleconverter and 20x macro ring. The teleconverter and macro ring really magnify the shakes, I need a rod support : ]

No color correction, just rotated 180 degress in Final Cut, exported as Quicktime H.264 High Quality.

Leo Mandy
October 31st, 2005, 05:04 PM
Same thing happened to me. Just be careful when you put the GG back in, ask Quyen personally how to do it, believe me don't try it yourself. The frosted side should be facing towards the camera and the smooth side to the SLR, if I remember correctly. Always keep a can of compressed air handy and don't handle the GG too much if possible. I cleaned mine in rubbing alcohol because my finger prints were really hard to get off it.

Ben Winter
November 2nd, 2005, 03:22 PM
Got my ground glass replacements yesterday, and got it in after breaking one. Instead of putting the PCXL back in, however, I took the one off of the Nikon D Screen (by unscrewing the frame) and glued it on top of the ground glass, which, by the way, fit perfectly. Now I have no need for the big PCXL that gets pushed around if you drop it/hit it/whatever. Delish.