View Full Version : Sennheiser EK100 G2 repair

Colin McDonald
July 1st, 2018, 09:08 AM
One of my trusty old Senny G2 receivers (of the body pack camera mount variety) has developed a persistent crackle. From their website, looks like Sennheiser UK no longer repair the G2 sets, though I will need to confirm that with them tomorrow. Assuming that is correct, anyone got any suggestions for who might be able to repair it?

For the record, the SK 100 G2 transmitter from that set works fine with other receivers , and I did try replacing the CL-100 3.5mm to male XLR cable as it appeared to be faulty when tested, but it hasn’t got rid of the crackle.

BTW I’m using these only on the licence exempt 863.0 - 865.0 MHz frequencies (honest!) before anyone points out that I’m being naughty.

I’ve had the aerial fail on one of these before, so if all else fails I’ll open it up and see if it’s that but I’m not so good at fiddly soldering jobs these days.

Rick Reineke
July 1st, 2018, 12:01 PM
A cracking type sound typically indicates a compromised mic, cable or plug, so I would first try another mic/cable/plug assembly that's known to be trouble free.
RF Interference OTOH is 'usually' ID'd by spits, sputters, momentary white noise or dropouts.
Then G series Rx antenna is relatively cheap and easy to replace with some soldering skills. One easy to access solder point on the PC board. The G2 is held together with four Torx head star screws; T6 as I recall. My G3s needed a smaller bit size (T4 or T5) when I replaced one of those.

Colin McDonald
July 1st, 2018, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the reply, Rick.

As I said in my post, in this case it’s definitely the receiver rather than the transmitter - the mic/transmitter combination works fine with other receivers, and as I said, I did try replacing the output cable on the offending receiver already. Also, the receiver crackles even when there’s no transmitter within range and other receivers beside it (tuned to the same frequency for testing) don’t, so not an RF problem as you say.

The advice on taking it apart and replacing the aerial is very helpful.

Gary Nattrass
July 5th, 2018, 01:54 AM
You could ask Better Sound: Better Sound Ltd > Maintenance (

or Richmond Film Services:

Closer to you is where we got all our hire kit at BBC Scotland and they may be able to help too:

I still have all my G2 radio mic's and other kit on CH70.

Colin McDonald
July 5th, 2018, 02:24 PM
Thanks Gary, that's most helpful - appreciated.