Neil Hodgkinson
May 7th, 2018, 03:35 PM
I’ve recently picked up some pump suction cups off eBay. I then tried fixing them to a surface and left them there, after a while they lost the pressure and came off but not having owned these cup new or second hand before I was at a lost to know if that’s fine or if they are not working as they should? Do these cups deteriorate over time, holding for a shorter and shorter period or do they not wear in this way? Is there other ways they can fail over time or other ways to check what condition they are in?
Chris Hurd
May 7th, 2018, 04:55 PM
Neil, you might try moistening the cup surfaces. Worth a shot anyway.
Also, on what kind of surface are you mounting them?
Neil Hodgkinson
May 7th, 2018, 05:02 PM
Thanks Chris, I gave the rubber cups a good clean. I’ve attached them to the wall to see how long they last before the red line pops back up.
Neil Hodgkinson
May 9th, 2018, 09:17 AM
I stripped them down, gave them a clean, checked all the rubber seals inside and checked the plastic pump tubes for wear or dirt, they all looked in very good condition. The only place I can think of that they could be loosing pressure is where the pump connects to the rubber plate.
I tested them with a 2Kg load each while I was out for about 4 hours and they all held with the same one showing the red line when I got home.
I hung 17Kg, which is all the weights I have here, and they all carried it without any problem, I suspect they could hold a lot more.
Unless someone here has something else to say I’m going to say their fine. I marked the one that tends to loose pressure faster and might see if I can find some rubber sealant if I ever get the time but for any use under a few hours I’d trust them all.