View Full Version : black screen on adobe

Dale Guthormsen
October 30th, 2005, 02:41 PM
I posted this somewhere and could not find it, so here is my problem.

My capture window is black, the capture is still accomplished I just have to watch the camera's lcd. I can run capture on windows movie maker and see the image. I downloaded the newest and latest driver for my gforce 5200 agp card. This did not solve the problem, not happy.

I upgraded to a gforce 6200 (I use dual monitors) with 256mgbt, down loaded the newest driver available. I started up elements (I had taken pro off the computer thinking there was some interlinked issue) and low and behold, there was my capture window!!! Oh yea, I did remove all nvidia drivers before I reinstalled the new driver)

I captured four times, just short test clips, and I got the black screen of death again!!!

I use a p 4 ht at 2.6 gh, run 1gig of ram. Dell 4600 about 18 months old (antique now i suppose) I stripped down everything and removed the firewall to see if it was playing games.

I removed the adobe programs and re installed them from their discs, no help.

I was wondering if these cards are not adobe friendly!!!

If so, what card is recommended to actually do the job.


I am pretty frustrated at this point.

John L Scott
October 30th, 2005, 08:46 PM
Just wondering!
How are your using dual screen? Extra PCI card or ?
What are you capturing with I guess the question is.
Discribe all your hardware and this might help. I know
how frustrating this stuff can be for sure. John

I did a little surfin on the card.
I take it you use the s-video.
I use the s-video with the RCA together
but I use a little AVerMedia USB 2.0 capture now.
I used a All in Wonderfuless and a few others
before the USB unit. My next upgrade will be a lot
better capture device next time. Still looking for now.

Kawai Sin
November 2nd, 2005, 06:48 PM
I wonder if you have any codec packs installed. They can sometimes give you problem with capturing. Also when your capturing the video in Premiere, try shutting the camcorder off and turning it back on to have the computer find your camcorder again. Sometime that works for me.

Best of luck

Dale Guthormsen
November 2nd, 2005, 11:07 PM
I use a p 4 ht 2.6 gh, 80 g hd for software, 250bghd for video, g force 6200 card. Dell 4600 20 months old. I capture using a firewire card as far as i know. I use a 19 inch benq dv monitor and the crt dell monitor. I have two burners and can burn all dvdformats.
I do not know if I have any codec packs, I personally never downloaded any. Unless it came with it!

In the past I did the camera on and camera off thing and it sometimes worked. It just finally got to the point nothing worked.

Yesterday I went to change the firewire card and could not make it even work. took it out and placed the old on back in and, voila. it worked again for a while. then went black.
I went to work on it and the options window went down ont the crt where my capture window was. when i drug it over to the dvi monitor there was the picture in part where the option window was, as if it scraped it clean. I drug it back and erased all the black off the capture monitor with the option window, Weird!!!
Later i then drug the capture window on the dv screen and there it was an open window!!! I drug it back to the crt, no window again unless I scrap of the black, so to speak.

I am in working mode again, for now, but one should not have to play these games with expensive software. Especially when it worked fine for a year!!!

what is the difference between the capture card and the graphics card??

is my fire wire card my capture card??

I am not as up on the harware issues as i should be!!!

what is suggested for working with adobe!!!!?????

I went to their site and its greek or geek to me.
