View Full Version : Meals deduction tax question

Pete Cofrancesco
April 16th, 2018, 06:23 PM
Does anyone deduct meal expense? I have but after re reading their publication I’m more confused.

I deem it as a business expense but the IRS publication implies over night travel or entertaining clients. If that’s the case then as reasonable as it might seem wouldn’t qualify.

Your thoughts... I know this is a question for a tax professional but do any freelancers here deduct their meals when on a job?

Gary Huff
April 17th, 2018, 09:29 AM
I know this is a question for a tax professional

Why yes, yes it is. I keep track of all of my meals done in the performance of a job, then I hand all of that over to a tax professional. I don't know what he does with it beyond that. I turn in a spreadsheet clearly labeled with everything I spend that relates to performing a job, and let him utilize his expertise to determine what can and should be deducted.