Michael Krumlauf
April 13th, 2018, 09:05 PM
Recently purchased a Sony HDW-F900 and was looking to see if anyone had any scene file settings lying around that I could experiment with? Also, if anyone knows how to update the ROM version on the camera, that would be great.
Kevin Lau
April 14th, 2018, 01:22 AM
Just to clarify - F900 or F900R? The F900 firmware was sold on physical memory sticks and each pertained to a specific board or function on the unit (similar to the way firmware works on the tape decks), while the F900R firmware was available for download as a compressed archive, so you could load it on a Sony Memory Stick flash yourself.
Edit: Ok I see in your other thread that it's a non-R.
I suppose perhaps you could reach out to POSC to see if they might be willing to just provide the files... but they have been a bit harder to get a hold of as of recently, and have gone to a SalesForce CRM/ticketing system. I've just been sending emails in to open a case, and then following up with a phone call (with the ticket reference ID if I haven't heard back.
I've been collecting the F900R's as they are pretty low cost these days on the used market (far cry from the $100k+ they used to be, brand new) and the -R suffix models have HD-SDI output (the original F900 did not, only analog component) which give them a second life even after the heyday of tape formats.
Michael Krumlauf
April 14th, 2018, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the response. The reason i am trying to upgrade my F900 is i would like to use the CVPeditor software to load custom gamma curves in. The software I have in the 900 is too old to allow user gammas.
IF: V1.41
SV: V1.06
SY: V1.18
Also, do you have any scene file settings i could load into the 900 via the memory stick? Thanks.
Michael Krumlauf
April 14th, 2018, 01:11 PM
How do I upgrade the "AT Version". What even is that?
Michael Krumlauf
April 14th, 2018, 01:12 PM
Here is a photo listing
Kevin Lau
April 17th, 2018, 02:27 AM
I just flipped through the service manual for a HDW-F900 and there is no 'AT' board anywhere in this model. Other models like that HDC-9xx series do have such a board, and the version would be shown in the menu if that were the case.
IF = Camera system controller and fan controller
SV = Servo controller
SY = VTR system controller and timecode functions
Michael Krumlauf
April 17th, 2018, 02:57 PM
So then i wonder what Sony means by that? I would understand the error more if this was third party software for the cameras but it was made by sony for sony cameras so whats the deal? Am I out of luck to think ill ever be able to use CVPeditor with my F900?
Kevin Lau
April 18th, 2018, 02:27 AM
I will admit I don't usually try to create looks on a computer and then import them into the camera/camcorder, I usually develop them ON one device and only use the file management feature to export/import into similar devices. Then again my world is typically Rec.709, and I only play with the knee curves/slopes and detail/aperture settings for the most part in the Paint menu.
What particular issue do you run into when you just attempt to load in a custom curve? Or are you finding the menu options simply don't exist to import from Memory Stick? I don't have a non-R model handy to walk through the steps unfortunately.
I would probably take that inquiry and send it as an email to prosupport@sony.com or AdvancedCustomerSolutions@am.sony.com ... give them the versions you currently have installed and the device serial, and they can advise if and how you may be able to update it.
Let us know what you hear back in case someone else might come across this discussion in the future too.
Michael Krumlauf
April 18th, 2018, 09:20 PM
Will do Kevin, Thanks
Michael Krumlauf
April 24th, 2018, 02:44 PM
I got a response from Sony which is the following....
"In regard to your inquiry HDW-F900 serial number 10307 can not be upgraded to IF v2.0 as it requires the UGK-F900 Upgrade Kit which is no longer available."
It looks like i will be unable to move forward with the proper upgrade as Sony no longer as the needed pieces to do so.