View Full Version : Meaning of Sennheiser spec, "0 bis + 18 dB?"

David Ennis
October 30th, 2005, 09:43 AM
Sennheiser uses "bis" like this in their wireless audio level specs:

0 bis + 18 dB

-24 bis -6 dB

Can anyone interpret?

Guy Bruner
October 30th, 2005, 10:11 AM
I believe it means 'to' or 'up to'.

Pete Bauer
October 30th, 2005, 10:32 AM
Ja, das ist richtig. (Yes, that's correct.) Sennheiser is a German company so "0 bis +18dB" means "0 to +18dB"

David Ennis
October 30th, 2005, 03:06 PM
Right. I had two years of German in high school, served a year and a half in Hanau, Germany and yet couldn't figure that out. Getting old is a terrible thing. However, "Ein bier, bitte," and "noch einmal" did stick with me for some reason. :>)

And yeah, it's coming back to me now--the most common literal translation of "bis" as I recall is "until." So idiomatically it would work very well as "up to." Thanks guys.