Chris Harding
March 14th, 2018, 06:41 PM
Hi Guys
Do we have any PC gurus here that use Livestream Studio? I updated my software and now my hardware encoder (I have QuikSync and NVENC enabled) has stopped working! Even rolling back software versions never worked so when using my DuoCore laptop the CPU goes crazy during streaming!!
Andrew Smith
March 14th, 2018, 07:26 PM
Not an expert on LiveStream, but if your CPU is going crazy during streaming then the encoding work is not being offloaded to your hardware device.
Might be best for some sort of reinstall of associated driver software etc so that the link to the existence of the encoding hardware is re-established.
Hope this helps.
Chris Harding
March 15th, 2018, 06:02 AM
Thanks Andrew
Done over and over ... I even rolled back Studio Versions and still updated drivers again. What really annoys me is Studio was using QuikSync perfectly and because my laptop has a small drive I deleted OBS Studio and probably a few other apps I wasn't using so what I had on there and removed was allowing QuikSync to work ... funny I also run/ran it on my desktop but the processor doesn't need to hardware encode (and it wasn't) so whatever was on the laptop needs to be on my desktop too to get QuikSync to work ... Studio picks it up cos the Hardware Encoder check button is in settings and it vanishes if I disable QuikSync ....It finds it but doesn't implement it!!!
Charlie Steiner
March 27th, 2018, 02:20 PM
suggest you call Livestream support. they may log in to your computer and do the troubleshooting.
Dave Baker
March 28th, 2018, 01:03 AM
Hi Chris
Sorry to change the subject here, but your email address no longer works, neither does the one on your web site. Perhaps you could email me your new address, assuming of course you still want to stay "in the loop".
Chris Harding
March 28th, 2018, 01:07 AM
Not really an issue now but thanks anyway Charlie ...Studio seems to use NVENC but for some reason not Quiksync ... OBS finds it but not Studio!
We solved the problem by getting another Broadcaster Pro ... the hardware encoding only runs during streaming so now we just send the program out via HDMI and use the Broadcaster to do the hard work so I can use my DuoCore i7 2.7ghz laptop to run 3 cameras plus graphics etc etc and still keep the CPU around 30%
Chris Harding
March 28th, 2018, 05:29 PM
Sorry David
I left you out by accident!! Just use ... We moved house and isp as their service sucked so I'm using email from my main domain ..much easier and it wont change.