Trond Saetre
February 2nd, 2018, 08:40 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the submitted films for the UWOL 45 challenge.
Theme: *Call of the wild*
For UWOL 45 we have an external judge, Catherine Russel. The judge will have 1-2 weeks to announce the winning film and also a runner up or two.
For the details, please see this thread:
Next challenge:
Signup will be available from February 15, with theme release March 1.
This will be a standard 1 month challenge.
Please make your feedback threads, and include a link to your film in the feedback thread.
Watch and enjoy:
Sojourn by Andrew Hood:
UWOL45 - Sojourn by Andrew Hood on Vimeo
They Come Calling by Gordon Hoffman
UWOL45 - They Come Calling by Gordon Hoffman on Vimeo
Escape by Bryce Comer
UWOL 45 "Escape" by Bryce Comer on Vimeo
Winter into the forest by Per Johan Nęsje
UWOL45 - Winter into the forest by Per Johan Naesje on Vimeo
Following the call of the wild by Bob Safay
UWOL45 - Following the call of the Wild - "Bob Safay" on Vimeo
Dance of the Starlings by Vishal Jadhav
UWOL45 - Dance of the Starlings by Vishal Jadhav on Vimeo
Theme: *Call of the wild*
For UWOL 45 we have an external judge, Catherine Russel. The judge will have 1-2 weeks to announce the winning film and also a runner up or two.
For the details, please see this thread:
Next challenge:
Signup will be available from February 15, with theme release March 1.
This will be a standard 1 month challenge.
Please make your feedback threads, and include a link to your film in the feedback thread.
Watch and enjoy:
Sojourn by Andrew Hood:
UWOL45 - Sojourn by Andrew Hood on Vimeo
They Come Calling by Gordon Hoffman
UWOL45 - They Come Calling by Gordon Hoffman on Vimeo
Escape by Bryce Comer
UWOL 45 "Escape" by Bryce Comer on Vimeo
Winter into the forest by Per Johan Nęsje
UWOL45 - Winter into the forest by Per Johan Naesje on Vimeo
Following the call of the wild by Bob Safay
UWOL45 - Following the call of the Wild - "Bob Safay" on Vimeo
Dance of the Starlings by Vishal Jadhav
UWOL45 - Dance of the Starlings by Vishal Jadhav on Vimeo