View Full Version : Adobe Encore CS6 "error" has stopped working when exporting

Harry Lender
January 28th, 2018, 08:46 AM
I know that Adobe has stopped supporting Adobe Encore CS6. I'm currently using PremierePro CC 2018.
Windows 10, 64. I can build my project in PPRO CC 2018 and transport it into Encore CS6, work with it but when I try to burn it to a DVD or Image it will come back with an Error message saying it can't. I've done searches with no luck. This has happened "all of a sudden". Just last week everything was fine.
Could be something I'm doing wrong and I am overlooking.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Should I start looking around for another DVD authoring software?
New edit.
Apparently, there is something wrong with the current project. I tried with success my previous project with no problems with building to export an image. Must be something in the current project that is causing rejection. will keep looking.

Ann Bens
January 31st, 2018, 10:22 AM
If other projects are just fine, you will have to make a new project.
No point in trying to fix this.
Save the menu's as psd's
You can use these menus in a new project.

Jeff Pulera
January 31st, 2018, 12:31 PM
What does this mean - " I can build my project in PPRO CC 2018 and transport it into Encore CS6"

Proper workflow is to Export as MPEG-2 DVD from Premiere, then use those new assets (.m2v and .wav files) in Encore.


Steve Bleasdale
February 5th, 2018, 03:03 PM
there will be a gap in the timeline, zoom out and find it or one clip in the timeline has corrupted. it could even be a effect of some kind. happened to me last week.