View Full Version : Vegas Pro 15 Update 2 (Build 261) released!

Setiawan Kartawidjaja
November 30th, 2017, 09:07 AM
Vegas Pro 15 Update 2 (Build 261) released!

Read more here:

Mark Watson
November 30th, 2017, 02:59 PM
Good thing I still have VP13. VP15 will open and let me do editing, but when I try to save the project or render it, I get a message that my license is not valid. I have also been getting a notice that I'm not connected to the internet, so after not being connected for over 30 days, the program becomes useless.
Another phone-home product failure.

Setiawan Kartawidjaja
November 30th, 2017, 05:28 PM
Have you tried reporting it to developers?

Mark Watson
November 30th, 2017, 07:41 PM
No. It wasn't in there before, didn't get put in by accident, so why report behavior that was programmed into the software intentionally? Is the rationale that if enough people complain about it, it will be removed? You're pushing customers away with stuff like this when you need to be doing the opposite.

Where in the documentation would I have been made aware of this new limitation?

Christopher Young
November 30th, 2017, 08:16 PM
I've also noticed that every time you go to render to a number of the stock installed codecs VP15 needs to go 'home' to base to get authorization on the codec in use. So far MPEG-2 and MP3 have needed to do an 'ET'.. by going home. This was never the case with Sony. The new order of the day no doubt.

Chris Young

Setiawan Kartawidjaja
November 30th, 2017, 10:09 PM

Here's the explanation by Gary according to the 'Phone Home' issue.

And, as for codecs that requires additional activations, here's the list we found so far: - FAQ no 10.

Jeremiah Rickert
January 9th, 2018, 04:08 PM
Quick question about v15: Since they seem to have added Nvidia support, did they remove AMD/OpenCL support?

Gary Bohlk
January 11th, 2018, 11:57 AM
Just add to the list of questions, I guess. Is anybody else having pan/crop issues? Trying to pixelate a face and getting all kinds of weird renders. It seems to only do half of an event or doesn't pixelate at all.

Graham Bernard
January 12th, 2018, 02:58 AM
Is anybody else having pan/crop issues? Trying to pixelate a face and getting all kinds of weird renders. It seems to only do half of an event or doesn't pixelate at all.Working as expected here. Can't repro your comments.

I'm using VP15 Build 261:

Pixelation Method 1: Successfully used VEGAS Pixelate in Pan/Crop using the Mask and Applied FX control - OK

Pixelation Method 2: Successfully used HitFilm Witness Protection (Pixelate) - OK

Rendered both examples and they are both what I would expect. No issues at all.

What you are seeing could be the result of several things:

1] Setup: I'd need to see your VEG to determine your setup and then need to know what your Project Settings.

2] .NET Framework: I've noticed that VP relies heavily on this Microsoft program to be up to date. I'm up to 4.7.

3] Encode Template: My Encode matches my Project Settings.

Here are the results:

DV Info Net (

DV Info Net (

Gary Bohlk
January 13th, 2018, 09:55 AM
Hi Graham, Yeah, I just downloaded 15 on Monday so I have the latest build. It downloaded and installed the latest .NET framework as well.

If I take the examples you have at the bottom, I'll try to explain my problem. I get the same result you do unless I pan the mask to follow my subject. In your case the bird. I have about 3 seconds where I am trying to pixelate the subjects identity. The pan starts working and then about half way through the 3 seconds it just stops panning and the subject basically walks out of the pixelated mask and is clearly visible. In a stationary object I can pixelate with no problem at all. It is the pan that is not working. When I preview in the event/pan-crop window the keyframes are there and it follows the subject all the way. When I preview on the I said, it stops literally at the half way point. The next time I preview it without mnaking any changes it might pixelate the entire frame but only to the half way point. My work around has been to use VP 13. It works fine there. Then I render it and drop it on to my timeline in VP 15. Seems to be a waste of resources to have to do that.

Graham Bernard
January 13th, 2018, 12:56 PM
I get the same result you do unless I pan the mask to follow my subject. In your case the bird. I have about 3 seconds where I am trying to pixelate the subjects identity. The pan starts working and then about half way through the 3 seconds it just stops panning and the subject basically walks out of the pixelated mask and is clearly visible.

I've just completed a sample with two people walking, one at speed and one sauntering, and I have BOTH targets pixillated whilst in motion, moving from Left to Right, across the full frame. I rendered to a New Track and the results are perfect. It is working as I would expect. No waste of time here.

Graham Bernard
January 13th, 2018, 01:30 PM
When I preview in the event/pan-crop window the keyframes are there and it follows the subject all the way. When I preview on the I said, it stops literally at the half way point. The next time I preview it without mnaking any changes it might pixelate the entire frame but only to the half way point.
Here's a Run through from 2 seconds in to 7 seconds:

Gary Bohlk
January 21st, 2018, 01:15 PM
Hey Graham, Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have worked on this problem for several days and don't get your results. I see you're in the UK and I assume you are using PAL. I wonder if this could be a problem with NTSC. I know that sounds crazy but not sure I can figure any other explanation. Especially since it works fine in VP13. Just wondering.

Graham Bernard
January 21st, 2018, 01:54 PM
I know that sounds crazy ..... Yes, yes it does.

Adam Stanislav
February 11th, 2018, 08:02 PM
Vegas Pro 15 Update 2 (Build 261) released!

Alas, it has the same problem as the previous builds of VP 15: It freezes while saying Creating Windows. Magix has truly destroyed my favorite video editor. 😫😠

Setiawan Kartawidjaja
February 12th, 2018, 02:24 AM
hmmm - I try googling around this issue and found some info...

Try these and see if it works for you:
Close the program. Now press CTRL+SHIFT while double-clicking on the program's icon to launch it. Continue to hold the CTRL & SHIFT keys until the program is fully up and loaded.
In newer programs, you will see a window that asks "Do you want to reset all preferences to default values?" Place a checkmark next to "Delete all cached application data" and then click Yes.

Here in these links, there are several solutions to try...:

Vegas Pro 13 Stopped Working (Windows 10) "Creating Window" - [Solved] - Windows 10 (

Hope any of these solutions can help...

Adam Stanislav
February 12th, 2018, 08:07 AM
Close the program. Now press CTRL+SHIFT while double-clicking on the program's icon to launch it. Continue to hold the CTRL & SHIFT keys until the program is fully up and loaded.

Thanks! That was the first think I tried, or thought I did. But for some reason I remembered it wrong and was only holding the shift key. I have tried it again now, hold the CTL+SHIFT keys and it did load.

Now I need to figure out how I changed the interface to the original Vegas way (the light background etc), but at least it is working.

So, thank you very much!


Adam Stanislav
February 17th, 2018, 01:59 PM
And it happened again. If I have to start from scratch every couple of weeks, this is really PATHETIC. Especially for a software that calls itself Pro.

Setiawan Kartawidjaja
February 18th, 2018, 05:58 PM

try contact support: