View Full Version : Best workflow for internet export with 1920x1080 footage

Marcus Martell
November 27th, 2017, 10:32 AM
Hallo guys,
i need your help with your knowledge for youtube/internet export settings.
I used to render with sony avc codec in past but i was not very satisfied with the quality on YT.
Then i tried to render my DSLR 1920x1080 footage to m2t 1440x1080 50i then i converted the final result with handbrake.The results were better but what if i would like to keep my 1920 x1080 instead of 1440 x 1080?
What would be your best advice?
Thank you so much for helping me in solve this problem

Rainer Listing
November 27th, 2017, 04:39 PM
Something else is wrong. Are you using the YouTube recommended upload settings ( Throwing away pixels isn't a good way to improve your content. Then converting to interlaced, which if you upload that YouTube probably deals with by discarding every second field, isn't going to help either. You could try the Mainconcept AVC codec instead of Sony, not that it should make a noticeable difference.