Marcus Martell
November 22nd, 2017, 09:16 AM
Hallo i m editing a couple of interviews recorded in different years with different devices.
In a few one i hear a little noise and i wouldlike to give the audio track with the whole interviews an overall aligned sound. Could anybody out there give me an hand? I should compressor instrument right?
Thank you somuch
Adam Stanislav
November 23rd, 2017, 09:28 AM
When I need to clear some noise from the voice track, I use Audacity (, by first selecting some of the noise, then, from the menu, Effect / Noise Reduction. Then I click Get Noise Profile.
After that, I select the entire noisy section of the track and again, from the menu, Effect Noise Reduction, and then click OK to apply the noise reduction using the noise profile from the first step.
Marcus Martell
November 27th, 2017, 10:34 AM
thank you adam!
What about the compressor fx in vegas? Do you use itto align everything?
Adam Stanislav
November 28th, 2017, 08:10 AM
No, I just use Audacity for any audio editing: Export any audio clip from Vegas to a .wav file, edit the file in Audacity, save that to .wav, then replace the sound of the clip with the edited version on Vegas timeline, so everything remains perfectly aligned as it was before.