View Full Version : Edius users?

Dan Gunn
November 21st, 2017, 09:13 AM
Any Edius editors in Atlanta? I am always looking to network. Don't be embarrassed that you use Edius....own up to it! Just look at all the pitiful FCP editors....they don't even have a closet.
I am at Edius 8 Workgroup and considering Edius 9 Workgroup. Don't know if it is worth $400.00.

If there are enough Edius editors in the northeast GA area, it would be great to start a users group!

I know I have an insulting sense of humor but PM me anyway.


Justin Kuhn
November 23rd, 2017, 12:47 AM
I use Premiere but I am in Atlanta so I figured I'd respond despite your humor ;)

Noa Put
November 23rd, 2017, 04:00 AM
I am at Edius 8 Workgroup and considering Edius 9 Workgroup. Don't know if it is worth $400.00.

Depends if you need a HDR workflow or if you are using a 1950x threadripper, edius 9 uses multiple cores a lot better when encoding, I have quite large performance gains when rendering out HD or 4K files so for me that alone was worth the investment. Not sure yet if edius 9 also benefits intel cpu users as I have not seen any confirmation about that.

The most anticipated feature for me in 9 is automatic audio syncing which I have seen mentioned to be added in the future, this was also mentioned when 8 came out but they unfortunately never got to that.

Paul Mailath
November 25th, 2017, 10:17 PM
automatic audio syncing - really?? I'm still using Edius 6.5 & pluraleyes for syncing and then editing in 7.5 - I'd be over to 9 in a flash if it had good audio sync - haven't seen if FCP has it and premiere sync is crap

Noa Put
November 26th, 2017, 03:01 AM
It's listed at the bottom of that article under planned improvements/updates and says: "a function for synchronizing clips via audio (for multicam editing)"
Not clear though if that is for camerafiles only and maybe not for seperate audiofiles? We"ll have to wait and see.

Jim Stamos
March 14th, 2018, 12:18 AM
In Houston but I've been on edius since version 1.
So easy,so fast,no rendering.
Synching audio up takes seconds.
I'm on edius 7.
I probably wouldn't need that audio sync in 9 singer it's effortless to do and takes no time.

Noa Put
March 14th, 2018, 01:29 AM
Synching audio up takes seconds.

What do you use to sync your audio? For Edius 9 they have announced that audio syncing eventually will be build in.

Jim Stamos
March 14th, 2018, 07:05 AM
I line up the waveforms bring down to a frame to match precisely
It literally takes less than a minute

Ron Evans
March 14th, 2018, 07:49 AM
I expect Jim is like me and shoots shows. Where cameras start at roughly the same time run till the end of show and then stop it is easy then. If its wedding with several cameras that start and stop at different times it is certainly different !! I have not tried it but I think Resolve also will sync on audio. I am on EDIUS 8WG but also have Vegas 15 and Resolve Studio 14

Roger Gunkel
March 14th, 2018, 08:57 AM
Magix VPX and several earlier versions have used audio sync for a few years. I can sync multiple parallel clips in seconds including audio only recordings from my voice recorders. Any audio track can be used as the master and the others synched to it. Not much use to Edius owners though.


Ron Evans
March 14th, 2018, 09:07 AM
I always do my audio in Vegas rather than EDIUS. Vegas has the ability to stretch and squeeze to get audio from different source clocks in sync. Not possible in EDIUS. Just make my master audio in Vegas and take back into EDIUS for multicam editing which EDIUS is much better than any of the others at the moment.

Bryan Worsley
March 15th, 2018, 05:08 PM
I have not tried it but I think Resolve also will sync on audio

Yes it will auto-sync (Studio and Free version) based on timecode or waveform analysis and with the option to replace or append existing audio track.

Ron Evans
March 15th, 2018, 06:08 PM
EDIUS will also sync on timecode.

Dan Gunn
March 17th, 2018, 09:23 AM
I use Premiere but I am in Atlanta so I figured I'd respond despite your humor ;)
No problem....I am not a bigot! The opportunity to gather and tell war stories would be an acceptable excuse to get past my partner (wife of 50 years).


Dan Gunn
March 17th, 2018, 09:26 AM
Depends if you need a HDR workflow or if you are using a 1950x threadripper, edius 9 uses multiple cores a lot better when encoding, I have quite large performance gains when rendering out HD or 4K files so for me that alone was worth the investment. Not sure yet if edius 9 also benefits intel cpu users as I have not seen any confirmation about that.

The most anticipated feature for me in 9 is automatic audio syncing which I have seen mentioned to be added in the future, this was also mentioned when 8 came out but they unfortunately never got to that.
I just rebuilt a computer for Edius and now I have cores out my ying-yang !

Dan Gunn
March 17th, 2018, 09:29 AM
I always do my audio in Vegas rather than EDIUS. Vegas has the ability to stretch and squeeze to get audio from different source clocks in sync. Not possible in EDIUS. Just make my master audio in Vegas and take back into EDIUS for multicam editing which EDIUS is much better than any of the others at the moment.

Hmmmmmm, gotta spend a few brain cells on that one.