View Full Version : Anyone using Blk Magic ursa mini Pro with Delkin Devices Cfast

Sabrina Morgan
September 26th, 2017, 04:13 PM
I'm buying on a budget and the Delkin cfast cards seem to be a good deal from b&h photo. Has anyone used them with the black magic ursa mini pro?

Troy Moss
October 5th, 2017, 08:23 AM
Reviews on BH Photo's site shows 11 reviews.

5 Stars = 7
4 Stars = 2
3 Stars = 1
1 Star = 1

Read those reviews! Should assist you with your decision.

I'm using the Lexar 128GB Professional 3600x CFast 2.0 Memory Card. It doesn't fall in the low budget category (but well worth the money)!

Gary Huff
October 5th, 2017, 09:20 AM
I'm buying on a budget and the Delkin cfast cards seem to be a good deal from b&h photo.

I can't say how robust Delkin cards are, however, is it wise to purchase media on a "budget"? Are you shooting the kind of material that if a card died on you and you lost everything it wouldn't be a terrible thing?

Gary Huff
October 5th, 2017, 09:23 AM
Here is one of the reviews from B&H.

Troy Moss
October 5th, 2017, 04:20 PM

Gary has a solid point. Black Magic Ursa Mini Pro is $6000. Probably makes sense to spend $300-$400 (Lexar/ SanDisk) to get a great performing CFast Card!!!

Also, Blackmagic releasing a SSD Recorder for the UMP, should be available for purchase in 2 or 3 weeks! See Link Below. It will be approximately $350 and will accept INEXPENSIVE SSD's!

Troy Moss
October 10th, 2017, 09:02 AM
Correction (updated price info from BMD on SSD Recorder):

Blackmagic URSA Mini SSD Recorder

Now you can record Cinema DNG or ProRes files onto standard 2.5 inch SSD Media with your URSA Mini Pro camera! $395

BMD site says "Now Available".........