View Full Version : Movie studio 14 platinum-major problem

Roy Alexander
September 25th, 2017, 02:31 AM
Hi. I hope someone can help me using plain English as at 90 years old I don't fully understand the jargon. I am trying out the Trial version of Movie Studio 14 platinum and can't capture video from a DV camcorder Panasonic NV-GS300, When I start a new project and connect the cam to the PC (I am using windows 7) using the firewire sockets. I select DV in the selection panel and a Message tells that " DV uses an external video capture application. This option can be changed later in the preferences dialog" When attempting to capture video it says please connect a device. The bottom of the screen it says "no device detected" I can add media from the PC with no bother. Can someone tell me what to do quickly as trial time is ticking away. I can capture video OK from my Panasonic X920 (which records on a SD card) using the same connections. But the point is I wish to use the GS300 cam as a replacement cam should my main cam the X920 pack up. So I need to know how to capture video from the GS300. Thanks in advance for some help.

Brian Dollemore
September 25th, 2017, 10:15 AM
Hi Roy. Interesting parallels - I use Windows 7 and Movie Studio 14, and still have an NV-GS300 and a GS500 as back-ups to a Pana HC-TM700. I'm also a pre-war model, and don't always understand the jargon, either.

Technology moves on, and newer hardware and software aren't always perfectly back-compatible. I haven't tried to capture direct to MS and still prefer to use that little freebie 'WinDV', which cuts the tape to individual .avi clips as it runs, then import them into MS as required. There are alternatives, I'm sure, but if it works...

So - first questions:
1Have you captured from that GS300 to that PC recently (to prove that the notoriously fragile Firewire is OK)?
If so, what prog did you capture with?
Have you tried doing that in this case?

Roy Alexander
September 26th, 2017, 02:04 AM
Hi Brian. Thanks for your response. I haven't tried to capture from GS300 to this particular PC before. I have used the GS300 to capture video on another two PC's using the same firewire cable But that was using my main editing programme Adobe CS5 and the other PC using XP and Adobe 6.5. Therefore I assume that the firewire cable is OK. I also assume that the DV connecting socket in the cam is OK.
I also assume that the connecting socket on the PC is ok as I can use it to capture AVCHD clips from the X920's SD Card. Of course this is only my layman's assumptions and I could be completely wrong.

Juris Lielpeteris
September 26th, 2017, 06:18 AM
May be answer is here:

Steve Game
September 26th, 2017, 06:32 AM
Hi Roy,

It would be better to check whether Windows can see the firewire port Try this:

open Device Manager (via the 'System' window or Control Panel).

Look down the list of entries to find mention of '1394 Bus Host Controllers'
Expand the entry by clicking on the '+' symbol
Check whether there is a device listed (something like 'Panasonic AV device')
If there is then Windows is working correctly and the problem is more likely with your installation of Vegas.

It's probably more likely that Windows hasn't recognised the camera. If so then update the driver. If the interface has a Texas chipset, this will probably be easy. However a number of motherboards and interface cards have used the cheaper Via chipset which from Win 7 onwards, support has been less than complete. There are drivers available online but they don't always match the configuration of the hardware.

It may be necessary to fit a new interface card if you have available slots on the motherboard. You can get PCIe cards with Texas chipsets for between £20-30. If you have a spare PCI slot, there are cards with VIA chipsets available from a very trusted supplier in Lancashire for £7.49. At that price it might be worth a punt but I appreciate that your trial time is limited.

Here is a link for using the legacy driver with Win7:

and here is some user info about drivers for VIA chipset interfaces:

Firewire VIA chipset and Windows 10 - BEWARE! | Cakewalk Forums (

Hope that the above helps.

Brian Dollemore
September 26th, 2017, 02:43 PM
Roy: I have tried to replicate your process.

I loaded a recent tape into my GS300, and connected up the safe way (i.e. EVERYTHING off, connect power and Firewire leads, boot Dell PC (Win 7). Only then, with the PC running, switch on the GS300 and set to Replay. Some people get away with connecting to a live PC, but for me it's not worth the risk of a fried cam port - virtually irrepairable nowadays.)

A dialog box called 'Import Video' came up, but there wasn't an obvious way to select file destination and life's short, so Exit. I then went through this procedure:

Start button>Devices & Printers>Devices - and there, at the end, was the pic of a miniDV cam with the legend 'Panasonic NV-GS300'; R click for Properties - all OK inc Driver date (2006!).

Over to MS14Plat (just updated to Build 148). Cancelled a default offering of opening actions. Selected 'Project' menu>'Capture Video'>'Format' diabox>select DV>'Default VEGAS Video Capture' diabox. Selected 'All clips', then the 'Capture video' button with the red dot.

And nothing happened. Nor was there control via the cam. ( I did repeat the procedure, just to be sure.)

So I checked the setup, using WinDV (ancient, but still available free at WinDV (, where capture went as it easily as it always has for me.

As MS14 doesn't seem to be co-operating, it might be worth your while to try WinDV or something else independent, simply to prove the continued viability of your Firewire connection.

I added a FW card to the PC, new, some five years ago. I can't remember for sure about the Legacy driver but it does ring a bell. The suggestion would be the way to go, especially if WinDV (or similar independent) fails to find your GS300.

Good luck!

Roy Alexander
September 27th, 2017, 03:21 AM
Thank you to all the kind people who have offered excellent advice to me but unfortunately it is all over my head. My latest problem is that I can't even download WINDV. I have tried and I got something about zip codes which I know nothing about. Another attempted down load gave me Driver support. I think I've had enough and am inclined to forget about Vegas movie studio 14. Thanks again

Paul Kellett
September 27th, 2017, 06:21 AM
Roy, as a last resort maybe someone from this forum may be local to you and could help you directly.


Roy Alexander
September 29th, 2017, 02:31 AM
Hi. Paul I have taken your advice and contacted my friend who is well versed with PC matters. He immediately opened up my troubled PC and quickly discovered that the Firewire connecting socket on top of the PC was not connected to anything. He then found another firewire socket at the back of the PC. Once the GS300 Cam was connected to this socket, MS14 captured video with no trouble at all.
It would seem however my PC won't work with AVCHD clips. No that's not exactly true it will play on the timeline with no effects or transitions added. After about 3 minutes the who system crashes. My friend says it's a hardware problem and that the temperature is to high and the more clips and FX are added the temp raises to 80 degrees, So I am thinking of having a more powerful PC built, The one I am using just haves the minimum specs needed to operate MS14. Of course I am hoping I never have to use this PC as my editing PC has Adobe CS5 on it. I am hoping the editing PC lasts as long as I do, but you never know. Apparently once you lose CS5 it's gone and you can't re-install it. So once again thanks to all the people who gave advice, I have listed all their info. for future ref. Incidently does any one know where I can get a complete tuition for MS14 on a DVD disc.