View Full Version : Metabones Mark IV with FS7 mark II

Steve Browne
August 22nd, 2017, 11:20 PM
Does anyone know if the Metabones EF to E Smart Adapter Mk IV will work with the FS7 mark II.
I read that the locking ring had changed on FS7 mark II and I just want to make sure Metabones mark IV will allow me to connect my Canon lenses

Many thanks

Steve Browne
August 28th, 2017, 01:28 AM
The reason I'm asking is that I've seen this chart on this site
Metabones Unveil New Locking Style CINE EF to E Speed Booster and Smart Adapter for Sony FS7 II | 4K Shooters (

Anyway the hire shop says the mark IV is fine with the FS7 Mk2, so we'll soon find out!

Omar Nabulsi
August 31st, 2017, 08:15 AM
Yep! I'm using it with mine. Works great!