Trond Saetre
August 1st, 2017, 07:03 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, here are the submitted films for the UWOL 43 challenge.
Theme: The Wild
Deadline: Monday, August 7, midnight wherever you are. Send your votes to
Everyone who SIGNED UP for the UWOL43, can, and are encouraged to vote for the best film.
Next challenge:
Signup will be available from the middle of August, with theme release September 1.
This will be a "standard" one month challenge.
Please make your feedback threads, and include a link to your film in the feedback thread.
Watch and enjoy
Wild Turkey Time by Jeff Holmes
UWOL43 - Wild Turkey Time by Jeff Holmes on Vimeo
Calls of the Wild by Andrew Hood
UWOL43 - Calls of the Wild - by Andrew Hood on Vimeo
Wild Swamp by LeRoy Gunderson
UWOL43 - Wild Swamp - LeRoy Gunderson on Vimeo
Wild Prairie by Kevin J Railsback
UWOL43-Wild Prairie-Kevin J Railsback on Vimeo
The Changing of America by Bob Safay
Theme: The Wild
Deadline: Monday, August 7, midnight wherever you are. Send your votes to
Everyone who SIGNED UP for the UWOL43, can, and are encouraged to vote for the best film.
Next challenge:
Signup will be available from the middle of August, with theme release September 1.
This will be a "standard" one month challenge.
Please make your feedback threads, and include a link to your film in the feedback thread.
Watch and enjoy
Wild Turkey Time by Jeff Holmes
UWOL43 - Wild Turkey Time by Jeff Holmes on Vimeo
Calls of the Wild by Andrew Hood
UWOL43 - Calls of the Wild - by Andrew Hood on Vimeo
Wild Swamp by LeRoy Gunderson
UWOL43 - Wild Swamp - LeRoy Gunderson on Vimeo
Wild Prairie by Kevin J Railsback
UWOL43-Wild Prairie-Kevin J Railsback on Vimeo
The Changing of America by Bob Safay