Ed Roo
July 8th, 2017, 11:39 AM
AirMap:"Instantaneous Authorization" Coming Soon - DRONELIFE (http://dronelife.com/2017/06/29/airmap-instant-authorization-coming-soon/)
View Full Version : New FAA program Ed Roo July 8th, 2017, 11:39 AM AirMap:"Instantaneous Authorization" Coming Soon - DRONELIFE (http://dronelife.com/2017/06/29/airmap-instant-authorization-coming-soon/) Dan Brockett July 10th, 2017, 11:16 AM There is some sort of on-line notification function already built into Airmap, not sure if it is a variation of this but I did use it the past Saturday for a flight. The app then notified me that none of the airports or heliports in the area I was flying in (Long Beach, Ca.) subscribe to this digital notification. So I still had to make numerous phone calls and still never spoke to a person at any of the towers. So I left detailed voicemails for them, what else could I do to stay compliant? I think that for on-line registration and notification system to work successfully, it's going to have to either be integrated into the B4UFLY app from the FAA, or it will have to be an FAA mandated app from a third party. This won't work unless checking it and integrating it into the control towers traffic control system is mandated and required by the FAA. |