View Full Version : Is there any point in using a polarizer when shooting Protune-Native WB-No Color?

Les Wilson
July 7th, 2017, 12:42 PM
I have a Hero 4 Silver plus for outdoor POV filming. Until now, I've always used Protune with GoPro color as it matches my XDCAM cameras rather well. However, after updating the firmware and poking aroun the settings, I discovered the Native WB setting and was able to grade the footage to my liking.

I've never shot with SLOG on my other cameras and in getting ready for an upcoming project, I quite without thinking automatically bought a polarizer for the GoPro kit.

But when shooting in Protune with Native WB and GoPro Color turned off, is there really any point in using a polarizer?

Jim Michael
July 7th, 2017, 01:40 PM
A polarizer does things you cannot do in post or in-camera processing. Like reduce or eliminate a water reflection, enhancing the purity of color of foliage etc. so may or may not be useful depending on your particular scene.

Les Wilson
July 7th, 2017, 01:47 PM
Right, I love the boost it gives to scenery and reduction of reflections, I just didn't know if it amounted to a hill of beans in that milky Protune footage. I suppose the higher data rate has got to help in post. Thanks.

Dan Brockett
July 9th, 2017, 09:10 PM
Polarizer on a GoPro also gives you the advantage of some neutral density in knocking down the exposure, reducing Jell-O and other rolling shutter effects. My Go Pros always have a pola on for exterior scenes.