View Full Version : a clip from my short film red ribbon and the pulsating problem with reds

Marlon Torres
October 26th, 2005, 10:51 PM

watch for the red jeep and notice how it starts to flicker, how can i fix it?!

Pete Bauer
October 27th, 2005, 12:19 PM
Sorry I won't be able to view your clip until I get home this evening. Here's a thread from last week on the same topic, though:

No definitive answer yet, but kind of suspect that it has something to do with over-saturation of colors or a compression anomaly.

Ash Greyson
October 27th, 2005, 11:00 PM
Was this shot in 24P, 24PA, 30P or 60i? I usually see this problem in overexposed areas of red (sometimes blue) generally when there is a frame rate conversion or deinterlacing. The best thing to do is to watch your expoure and settings to begin with. It looks like the clip is color corrected. BE CAREFUL WITH REDS!! This is not an XL2 prob, it is a DV problex, the DVX is actually the worst offender. Sometimes Magic Bullet and other programs can make the reds go crazy. If this happens to me I curb the reds, output THAT file and color correct the file with supressed reds.

This problem is also accentuated when viewing on an LCD or other progressive source like an HDTV. One thing you can try is a chroma blur on the red channel...

ash =o)

Daniel Wojtowicz
October 28th, 2005, 03:25 PM
did a test with my camera. Although it was in auto mode only i did not get a colour surge.

here is how it turned out.