View Full Version : My Powerbook fell! But it's fine!

Justin Kohli
October 26th, 2005, 05:58 PM
Sorry if this belongs elsewhere but I want people to know what a Powerbook can handle!

So I'm sitting here workin' on stuff. I have a G4 Titanium Powerbook 15" from 2002/2003.

I have a USB mouse plugged in, and a USB cable with a USB dongle plugged in, which is tied to a part of my desk so I don't lose it. The dongle cable + USB cable usually hung below the desk drawer, and nowhere near the ground or my legs.

But just minutes ago I tripped on it, or something off the laptop! It fell between 2 1/2 to 3 feet and the music stopped.

First thing I said "oh my god" -- I was seriously freaked, I payed $1800 for it and warranty doesn't cover accidents. It fell onto 2 layers of carpet, here in the basement. The first layer is kinda hard, not real comfy, the bottom one is. I for sure thought it was broke. When it fell, it closed itself - which I think saved it from major damage! I checked it over, and theres not a scratch! I'm amazed.

Seriously, if it hadn't closed on itself - the screen probably would've bent or torn/snapped at the hinges. The hinges are fine too, and the Ti-book hinges were/are crap anyway!

Soooo so so so so relieved. I've babied it up until this point. Aw man, now I can say "yeah my laptop survived a fall" Mr. Green

Now just hopefully nothing crops in in the near future with performance/internal issues.

MAJORLY majorly relieved. I can't believe it.

Nathan Chaszeyka
October 28th, 2005, 12:02 AM
But it didn't fare as well as yours did. It was in it's protective case. I was in a hurry and just set it on my desk. I didn't notice that I had set it on the edge of a book, and it slipped off the desk. When it hit the floor the zipper on the case dented the corner of my powerbook in. Everything is working right now but I fear the worst in the future.

I'm taking it to the Apple Store tomorrow to see how much repairs are going to cost me. The dent has separated the top panel from the bottom of the case and I can see inside.

Boyd Ostroff
October 28th, 2005, 12:54 PM
The hinges are fine too, and the Ti-book hinges were/are crap anyway!

My old TiBook died last summer due to the hinge. It gradually got stiff over time which caused the metal to fatigue and the wiring to the screen to work intermittently. Finally the hinge snapped right off and that was the end...

Justin Kohli
October 28th, 2005, 03:28 PM
My old TiBook died last summer due to the hinge. It gradually got stiff over time which caused the metal to fatigue and the wiring to the screen to work intermittently. Finally the hinge snapped right off and that was the end...

Damn thats sad. My idea, if my Ti comes to that. Is keep it, but completely remove the screen. And then, find a small LCD screen to hook it up to - put a touch-screen overlay on it (they're between $100-$200) -- and the Ti would be a glorified stereo system, basically.

Nathan Chaszeyka
October 29th, 2005, 02:00 AM
I went to the Apple Store will be at least $650 to repair the case on my powerbook.

I think I'm just going to leave it as is and put duct tape over it or something. Any ideas?