View Full Version : Is C-Log coming to the 5D4?

Jon Fairhurst
March 21st, 2017, 03:49 PM
That's what I hear. Possibly by NAB.

This could make the 5D4 a good b-cam for inter-cutting with Cinema EOS cams.

4K (yeah, windowed, but without anti-aliasing or softness issues; not far from ASP-C), DPAF, and C-Log. Sure, it's not 10-bits or RAW, but not bad when you want a hybrid stills/motion camera.

Gary Huff
March 22nd, 2017, 10:27 AM
No Peaking, no magnified assist while recording, no EVF, no articulating screen, the same awful 1080 from all the previous Canon generations, no UHD modes. Canon needs to do a lot to make this tempting away from the A7R Mark II.

Jon Fairhurst
March 22nd, 2017, 11:16 AM
One correction on the 1080p output: It's 2nd generation awful 1080p. ;)

The first generation did line skipping and had horrible aliasing. The second generation (launched on the 5D3) does simple, digital filtering, which reduced aliasing, but is overly soft.

For top quality, we've really got to record 4K. And to get the features you mention, you'd need an external recorder/monitor, which has its own tradeoffs.

Gary Huff
March 25th, 2017, 09:18 AM
And to get the features you mention, you'd need an external recorder/monitor, which has its own tradeoffs.

You also cannot record or monitor 4K out of the HDMI.

Jon Fairhurst
March 25th, 2017, 10:03 PM
That's right. And that's killer. You need to do 4K to get top quality. It's windowed, which is one drawback, and you can't record it externally, so you can't get the overlays, redundancy, etc.

Maybe with C-Log (if it comes???) will come additional improvements.

Gary Huff
March 25th, 2017, 10:27 PM
Maybe with C-Log (if it comes???) will come additional improvements.

Given history, I would bet money that you'll get a 5D4 back with Clog and nothing else.

Jon Fairhurst
March 27th, 2017, 04:37 PM
There was one big exception: The "big" 5D2 firmware update.

Previously, we only had "auto" mode for video. We would cover the lens, then point it at the light, and hit the AE Lock button at just the right moment. The update gave us manual exposure as well as manual control of audio gain. It turned the 5D2 from a crazy workaround cam into a very functional unit. Yes, it was imperfect, but was the clear winner of the low-cost, big sensor market for a good while.

For me, I'd really like to see a 4K HDMI output. (My son owns a nice Shogun kit.) It would be great to get video aids, but I'm not holding my breath. That said, I'm personally content without them. If it had C-Log 10-bit 4K HDMI, I'd place an order right away.

Marius Pavel
January 27th, 2018, 02:04 PM
They are making this "upgrade" for 100 $. This isn't right. I bought 5D4 and now I must pay to best this update..zzz. Not ok from Canon