View Full Version : Best transcription software ?

Ken Beals
March 9th, 2017, 06:52 PM
Have a tutorial video that is going to be translated and voiced over into Spanish. Is there a program out there that I can playback the video and it will transcribe what the host is saying ?

This way I can hand the transcript to the Translator.

A superficial search shows up Dragon by Nuance company. But not sure if that will do what I need.

Suggestions ?

Pete Cofrancesco
March 9th, 2017, 09:34 PM
haven't used it in a long time but I never found it to be that accurate. Takes as much time to reread and correct as it would to write it in the first place. You also need to train it to learn your voice and it's not cheap software. You might be better off paying a person to transcribe it but then you'll need to sync it.

Andrew Smith
March 9th, 2017, 09:42 PM
For all the futzing around, i Just send it off to and let them do it. There's enough work in it - I've tried doing it myself and it just took what felt like forever for the first 4 minutes worth.

Or you could see what YouTube's automated cc function makes of it.


Vince Pachiano
March 10th, 2017, 09:15 AM
Is there a program out there that I can playback the video and it will transcribe what the host is saying ?

For personal projects, I have used the built-in Voice-to-text function of my Android phone.
I create a new google document, Press the Microphone Icon on the virtual keyboard, and press play on the video.
It helps immensely if you are in a quiet room dedicated to audio, and a quick internet connection