Alan Craven
January 28th, 2017, 02:22 AM
I am thinking of buying one of these as I have a need for a lightweight head.
My current head is a Sachtler FSB6, which I like to use with the drag setting on 3 (maximum).
I note that the Libec head has a fixed drag level - has anyone any experience of using this head, to give me an indication of how much drag there is?
I can live with less that my FSB 6, but I used to have a Manfrotto 701 HDV, which had a fixed drag level far too low for my taste, and do not want a repeat experience!
Ronald Jackson
January 28th, 2017, 03:29 AM
If it's the same head as goes with the now discontinued Libec Allex kit than a load of rubbish. I have one, and the pan is useless, either fully locked or too loose.
No comparison whatsoever with my FS6 B apart from the 75mm mount. Libec a lot lighter if that an issue.
Alan Craven
January 28th, 2017, 07:51 AM
Oh dear, that is what I was afraid of - I think the two are the same head.
The attraction is the weight 1.3 kg against 2.6 kg, plus the FSB 6 is overkill for the Can XA20, which is far too light for the head.
It looks as though I shall have to shell out for the Miller Air head. According to Miller it is available only as a kit, with legs, but two or three UK dealers list it as available to order- at a price!
Thanks for the warning, Ronald
Bryce Comer
January 28th, 2017, 12:19 PM
Hi Alan,
You may want to try the Miller Air with your camera first. They look very similar if not the same as the DV10 head. If it has just the 2 positions of counterbalance then you need to make sure it works with your cam. I have the DV10 & it worked brilliantly with my old XH A1 but not so well with my XA 20. If you can try before you buy, i would highly recommend it.
Alan Craven
January 30th, 2017, 02:01 AM
Thank you Bryce, it certainly looks as though you are correct there.
The camera finder on the Miller site comes up with three recommendations for my XA 20 : Air, DS10, and DS5.
The first two offer 2-position counter balance for the range 2.5 to 5 kg.
My XA20 rig is at maximum 2 kg.
The DS5 offers varianble counterbalance up to 2.5 kg, so looks the best bet.
It is 1.6 kg against 1.4 and 1.5 for the other two, but that is 1 kg less than my FSB6, and looks as though performance-wise it would be a better match for the FSB. It is also a little cheaper than the Air.
Thanks for the help everyone!
Alan Craven
June 22nd, 2017, 11:48 PM
I eventually picked up a second hand Miller DS10 for £275. Not quite as light as I was aiming for, but 1200 g lighter than my FSB6.
Fortunately the pan and drag have all the feel of the true fluid head, so I am very pleased on that score. As Bryce suggested, the counterbalance is limited by its two fixed settings, but I can cope there.
Many thanks for the advice.