View Full Version : Interview(s)! Want one, or know a good interviewee?

Justin Kohli
October 25th, 2005, 08:41 PM
Hey guys
So, I've done a few interviews the past couple years, and recently started an indie online media label, and it dawned on me -- "I'll bring the interviews back!". So I did. Probably one person you'll be familiar with is Mastering Engineer Bob Katz, whom I interviewed via e-mail.

But anyway, I really only have music-related interviews. I'd like to get some movie-related interviews. So here's what's up.

- do you think you have anything interesting enough to discuss? Whether it's a movie in pre-production, or a released movie, or some related project - even if you spearhead a useful website. I'll need to see your website with info so I have a base for questions, of course.

- or, do you know somebody who you think would be a nice interview read? Plug their website!

- I don't care if you're 17 years old and film with a handheld or you're a seasoned DV/Film veteran. As long as you have something *worth discussing*. Not "well I'm thinking of doing this ___ but I'm still learning".

Now you're wondering "Ok, sounds cool - but why should I care. First - how many hits does your website get a day?" -- Honestly it averages 84 visits a day this month. Not alot, but the website is still growing of course, and I am looking at ways to get it out there more.

This'll be my last of 3 interviews for at least a couple months, probably. I've been busy enough working on the site that I haven't done any work on my album and I can't neglect it. But I gotta get some fresh content in there.


Justin Kohli
October 26th, 2005, 10:57 PM
Don't be shy! :)