View Full Version : Do I need DVD Architect?

Norris Combs
January 23rd, 2017, 08:01 PM
DVD Architect is bundled with Vegas, but I'm not sure that I need to use it. I only edit home videos, and render them out to .avc or .mp4. I save them on hard drives and play them back with VLC. Am I missing anything by not touching DVD Architect? A long time ago, when I used to burn those files onto DVD or BD, I did use DVD Architect. Is that its only use, to burn to a physical medium?

Leslie Wand
January 23rd, 2017, 09:03 PM
yep. burn baby, burn ;-)

i've used arch since i started commercially with veg 7, but only used it cause it was there. the odd occasion i get called upon to actually burn a dvd (more often than not i'm simply burning mp4's files to disc) i still use arch, but there's a plethora of other, FREE, ones around that'll do the job just as well...

that is if you ever need to burn a dvd nowadays - especially since it'll only ever be sd and not hd.

Norris Combs
January 23rd, 2017, 10:34 PM
I just noticed that even though I placed markers on the timeline (to denote "chapters"), after the render, when playing the file, I can't click "Skip" to advance to the next chapter. The whole video file plays from beginning to end, with no chapters. However, if I burn to a DVD, then the chapters feature works. Is it possible for "chapter" to work in a video file format?

Leslie Wand
January 23rd, 2017, 11:32 PM
with some difficulty - but it can be done. search for 'drax'(in a rush)...

Norris Combs
January 23rd, 2017, 11:53 PM
Thanks Leslie,
I'll check it out.

Chris Harding
January 24th, 2017, 01:17 AM
I have had Sony Vegas since Version 4 and only used Architect once ...I have used DVD Lab from Mediachance since then and love it. However based on the fact that DVD manufacturers are already stopping production I would get too stressed about a DVD Production program ..You will soon have to start thinking about different media. We only supply DVD's for weddings now if we specifically get asked for them ..otherwise it a USB ... quicker and easier ... shuck I think my DVD player in the living room hasn't been used for years! Over here the last "video store" closed it doors last week so sadly it's a dying media ..pity because I like the fact that it's a "physical product" that has a value attached to it unlike an online video link.

I wonder if 4K disk players will ever catch on ..BluRay was a dismal failure !! What will we get next that you can open the case, look at the cover then physically put the media into a player ... I think I'll miss that!!

Leslie Wand
January 24th, 2017, 03:22 AM
pretty much agree chris...

i've never been asked for blu-ray, haven't ever bothered even thinking about it. all my corporate clients want mp4 in various sizes (eg. web, intra, tv, projection, usb distrib, etc.,), as for everyone else a regular mp4 suffices.

as for 4k, well no one's asked, i'm not offering, and quite frankly, i think it's just another ploy to keep manufacturers in business. i've done my own 'subjective' research in numerous shops and have found that;

a. upto 55cm screens (at normal viewing distances) there's negligible difference in pic quality.
b. a lot of stuff i've seen is either brittle looking or just simply over the top in sharpness, ie, the world doesn't look like that through normal eyes.
c. hdr! i mean really - 5 minutes of it and i started to feel that someone had started playing with the various picture controls without knowing what they were doing....

but hey, i'm an old fart who's more concerned with content rather than gimmicks...

Edward Troxel
January 25th, 2017, 11:58 AM
I just noticed that even though I placed markers on the timeline (to denote "chapters"), after the render, when playing the file, I can't click "Skip" to advance to the next chapter. The whole video file plays from beginning to end, with no chapters. However, if I burn to a DVD, then the chapters feature works. Is it possible for "chapter" to work in a video file format?

When rendering from Vegas, make sure the option to "include Markers" is checked. Then DVD Architect will import those markers and use them as chapter points. Please also note that the marker file is a separate file so you should not move the rendered files before using them in DVD Architect.

Chris Harding
January 25th, 2017, 08:23 PM
Hi Leslie

With weddings it's all live broadcast now and then the recorded copy is given to the couple on USB ...they seem happy with that!

I still do Realty Property Condition Reports on DVD (the tenant keeps one and the agent keeps one) and it's a record to document the condition of the rental property when they move in. Trouble is it's a low income shoot which takes between 30mins to 60 minutes with no editing but rendered out to an MPEG2 at 4000kbps which is plenty .. DVD's cost me 30 cents each and the cases (slimline clear) are 25c each so my media cost is $1.10 for both DVD's ... if I did it on USB I would need 2 x drives so maybe $8.00 for 2 drives so from an economics POV it's still OK ...not sure what the best option might be once DVD's start getting hard to get?

Leslie Wand
January 25th, 2017, 08:59 PM
not too sure how long it will take for dvd's to disappear - quite some time i would imagine given that even i still burn files to them for storage / clients / archiving (yes, hd's are cheap but they still take up a lot of space, etc.,)

i can see the benefits of rental video's for both parties, but wouldn't throwing them up on youtube (using a private channel and link to both parties) be even less of a hassle?

Chris Harding
January 26th, 2017, 06:14 AM
It does get a bit complicated as on the DVD we have a menu button for each room that is filmed so an agent can go to any room of the property ..easy on DVD but a little more complex on YouTube as one would have to break the channel up into sections and have a playlist for each section. We do about 10 properties minimum each month so a YT channel would get very messy I think. We still need to look forward though and find something to replace a DVD as a lot of people both bother with a player but still most have a computer. No rush yet though!!

Seth Bloombaum
January 26th, 2017, 12:11 PM
I'm hopeful that someday YT will develop a workable "Chapters" function.

The current workaround is to use hotspots in the video, perhaps over a menu graphic, that link back to the same clip, but with a timecode added to the hotspot url.

Leslie Wand
January 26th, 2017, 04:35 PM
now that would be a major step forward for youtube - almost making it practical for something other than simply watching stuff...

Chris Harding
January 26th, 2017, 06:01 PM
Wow I doubt it!! At the moment you can divide your account into sections and develop a playlist for each section. My application has individual clips so I wouldn't need chapters but still some sort of menu. Wouldn't introducing a chapter facility to YouTube start encouraging people to upload huge clips like complete 3 hour wedding videos or vacations ? That would somewhat tie up bandwidth!

Leslie Wand
January 26th, 2017, 09:04 PM
3hr weddings in 4k - doesn't even bear thinking about....

Chris Harding
January 26th, 2017, 10:33 PM
Where is our wedding video? It's coming we started uploading last Thursday so be patient!! No thanks!!

Leslie Wand
January 26th, 2017, 11:51 PM
just what we need the nbn for eh?

Chris Harding
January 27th, 2017, 12:18 AM
I have given up on using ADSL2 for uploads 2mbps it just takes too long, From reports I have heard the NBN upload in some places isn't that great either. Because we live broadcast we stick to a 4G hotspot with Telstra and I also use it at home for uploads ..get at least 22mbps (and that's on a bad day!)

Quite a few of my mates over East do the same despite already having NBN!!

Leslie Wand
January 27th, 2017, 03:43 AM
thankfully i simply leave mine go overnight (2.5mbs on a good day) - they're generally low res mp4 with tc for client approval and the like. for anything more i send them a usb in an overnight satchel - so far aus post has been very reliable.

i doubt we'll ever get nbn to the house (were rural), and our g4 is pretty iffy at times - also it doesn't look cheap to use. what sort of plan are you on?

meanwhile it's 30deg and we had 30mm rain yesterday so it hot and sticky, which was fun back in the 60's, but not nowadays ;-(

Chris Harding
January 27th, 2017, 08:15 AM
Hi Leslie

I'm prepaid so it's very pricey - $10 per GB !!! 15GB costs me $140 though but remember brides are paying for streaming so I cover that in the cost. I spoke to Telstra and the guy said wait until they come out with a monthly plan with double data rate it comes out at $5 per GB instead of $10 ..What plans have you found ??? ?? Sometimes I use 10 GB in a month and sometimes 1GB ....With a plan I don't think they rollover unused data do they ..he did say that excess data is $10 per GB which is what I pay now!! This is just a 4GX wifi hotshot I use not a phone!!

Leslie Wand
January 27th, 2017, 04:55 PM
we've got adsl2+ - which of course is a joke. as i wrote, 2.5mbs is NOT anywhere near the 'promise' of adsl, let alone 2+.

we've still got a landline, and every time i've complained (telstra), they've up my monthly allowance. i'm sitting on about 500gb a month and keep explaining to them that even if i wanted to i probably couldn't use it up ;-(

i haven't look at plans recently - was frightened off a few months ago, and for my needs i'll suffer and complain, but not pay what i thought back then were outrageous prices.

there's a few people i know who've signed up for wireless (line of sight) nbn. seems they were all very happy to start with, good u/down speeds, etc., but as more people have jumped on the less reliable and speedy their connections have become. it wasn't cheap either.

i have some friends in muswellbrook where the 'estate' they live on has full nbn. apparently very fast u/down, but again, they're screwed with data limits vs costs.

i'll plod on with my existing connection till something more reasonable turns up. when we moved here we were on dial-up, so anything is better than that ;-)

Chris Harding
January 27th, 2017, 06:38 PM
Hi Leslie

After my praise about 4G I did a wedding stream yesterday evening and the connection was flaky to say the least ..very weird though cos on a speed test it showed 2.5mbps download but 18 mbps upload ..HUH? The download is normally always faster isn't it? Anyway my encoder 15 minutes later would not connect to the wifi at the start of the ceremony but then later all was well again ...sometimes I wonder about our internet service!! I listen to a guy on the radio last night complain bitterly about his NBN ..he was promised 25 mbps and says he never gets better than 3 or 4 and was told that the 25 was a MAX figure depending on the load I'll skip NBN for now thank you!!!

Leslie Wand
January 27th, 2017, 07:34 PM
yep - all smoke and mirrors and empty promises. frankly BOTH parties are to blame and it's not getting any better. if they'd stop with their trashy adverts and spent the money on the network maybe things might get a bit better.

Steven Davis
July 10th, 2017, 04:58 PM
I have had Sony Vegas since Version 4 and only used Architect once ...I have used DVD Lab from Mediachance since then and love it. However based on the fact that DVD manufacturers are already stopping production I would get too stressed about a DVD Production program ..You will soon have to start thinking about different media. We only supply DVD's for weddings now if we specifically get asked for them ..otherwise it a USB ... quicker and easier ... shuck I think my DVD player in the living room hasn't been used for years! Over here the last "video store" closed it doors last week so sadly it's a dying media ..pity because I like the fact that it's a "physical product" that has a value attached to it unlike an online video link.

I wonder if 4K disk players will ever catch on ..BluRay was a dismal failure !! What will we get next that you can open the case, look at the cover then physically put the media into a player ... I think I'll miss that!!

Hey Chris,

I'm trying to refine my Sony Vegas 13 to USB process, especially for weddings where I want max quality for size. Would you be willing to share your output formula you've found to be the best? You may have done it already on the forum, just haven't found it. Thanks in advance.