View Full Version : Our switch from Premiere to FCPX

Guillermo Ibanez
January 23rd, 2017, 05:15 AM
Hi everyone,

Last year we moved all our editing workstations from PC workstations to Apple iMac 5k and after we tried it, we switched from Adobe Premiere to FCPX. We have written these two blog posts telling our story:
The switch from Premiere to Final Cut Pro // Video Production Manchester (
Adobexit: Premiere vs Final Cut Pro X // Video Production Manchester (

Have a read and see if you agree!

thanks in advance

William Hohauser
January 23rd, 2017, 09:36 AM
Congratulations on the switch. I left Premier many years ago (stuck with it for 24fps project off-lines) but have had several interactions with it recently due to several production houses I have to send finished work to which had abandoned FCP after the upgrade to X.

Using the very handy XtoCC XML converter I can make Premier projects to send to the clients. It works great with cuts and dissolves edits, titles and filter adjustments don't work very well or at all. That's OK with me as my clients want to do their own color correcting and have in-house titling. I have the Adobe subscription (unfortunately) so I check the conversions before sending the Premier files by ftp. Aside from the adjustments I have to make to imported graphics that are not TV formatted, I use this as a chance to reacquaint myself with the program. Once you work in FCPX, PremierPro really feels like a step backwards. Premier has a couple of strong points but functionally FCPX beats it. You'll be very happy.

Guillermo Ibanez
January 24th, 2017, 06:34 AM
Thanks for your message William,

we couldn't be happier with the switch really. I was never a real user of the old Final Cut as I had always used Windows on my workstations however since we changed over to Apple it came naturally to test FCPX. The only I can put it really is that I actually enjoy using the software (as nerdy as this might sound), it's more fun and productive.
My real problem with Adobe is that they seemed to focus on very silly flashy features like that new 'Social media publishing panel) while the bugs that pushed us out of there are still there and stop my productivity??? and that was the whole promise with Creative Cloud.
At the end of the day I just want a solid piece of software that helps me to get work done, that's all I need.


William Hohauser
January 24th, 2017, 07:07 AM
Adobe isn't the only one that leaves unneeded irritants in their programs for years, Apple is guilty of that as well. But really stupid stuff like exporting video from Adobe Animate prompts you to use the Adobe Media Encoder which then crashes because it doesn't communicate with Animate properly. And hidden layers in Animate render out anyway when you export a QuickTime file. I still use After Effects over Apple Motion and Photoshop because the alternatives are not as simple to use but I really try to avoid their other products unless forced.