View Full Version : XL2 in house!

Ralph Roberts
October 25th, 2005, 06:10 PM
After researching for over a year (okay, dithering), I decided on an XL2 for many (to me) good and sufficient reasons.

SO, I ordered mine last week from Rush at EVS. There was a minor glitch in transferring funds but Rush was patient even when I was not ;-) (thanks, Rush) and the camera was only delayed a day. It arrived via Fed Ex and worked flawlessly out of the box!

I've played... er, I mean seriously evaluated it for the past few days and have not found anything a) wrong or b) I did not like. A FINE piece of equipment.

A few more items of equipment to come in (mah Bogen tripod wends it way from EVS as we speak) and then it is on to producing documentaries

We're a book publisher moving into the video world. We've already produced one documentary that's selling well and own thousands of intellectual properties. Might take us a few weeks to work through those, eh?

XL2 ... it's not a camera, it's a way of life.

Or, as I used ta say back in the days when I did professional still photography, "Nikons cost a lot of loot, but it takes a Canon to shoot."


Rik Sanchez
October 25th, 2005, 07:42 PM
congrats on your XL-2. I'll soon be in the same position. I just ordered my Body only XL-2 kit yesterday, I'll get mine on Friday. Been using the XL-1 for 6 years, it was way past the time for an upgrade for me. I can't wait to seriously evaluate mine.

Ralph Roberts
October 25th, 2005, 08:02 PM
congrats on your XL-2. I'll soon be in the same position. I just ordered my Body only XL-2 kit yesterday, I'll get mine on Friday. Been using the XL-1 for 6 years, it was way past the time for an upgrade for me. I can't wait to seriously evaluate mine.

Thanks, Rik ... I do believe you're gonna like it! ;-)

For anyone interested, my first little 1-minute film test of my XL2 is at:


Rush Hamden
December 4th, 2005, 09:10 PM
Ralph, it was my pleasure sir! I enjoyed speaking with you, and I do believe that patience is the saving grace of our society. : )