View Full Version : Filming food in a microwave

Mark Hartopp
December 14th, 2016, 09:41 AM
My partner has a small businness making mug cakes.

I've been taked with making her a short promo film. But I can't figure out how to film a clean shot of the cake in the microwave (timelapse) 60 second to 3 or 4 seconds without filming through the mesh glass door.

Does anyone have any ideas. Thanks.

Andy Wilkinson
December 14th, 2016, 02:08 PM
Maybe a sort of stop motion approach? Open the door every 2 seconds, take a 1-2 second shot then close door and repeat...and see if you can make it look good in post with cross-dissolves/stitching it together/re-timing to suit your desired look?

Vince Pachiano
December 14th, 2016, 03:23 PM
Maybe a sort of stop motion approach? Open the door every 2 seconds, take a 1-2 second shot then close door and repeat...and see if you can make it look good in post with cross-dissolves/stitching it together/re-timing to suit your desired look?

It seems to me that to bake a mug-cake would require a constant source of heat.
Opening and closing the door every 2 seconds would not yield the baking results the OP wants

I'm thinking the only way is to leave the door open, and defeat the dual safety inter-locks, and film the mugcake as it cooks.
Use the inverse square law to your advantage and move your camera far enough away and then zoom in.
You should be out of the room...
Remember, microwave ovens don't emit ionizing radiation, but it will heat the water molecule of anything in its path

p.s. Purposefully defeating the safety-interlocks is dangerous, and can lead to injury or death

Mark Hartopp
December 14th, 2016, 04:47 PM
Hmmm. Kind of like the idea of being on the edge developing a new filming method and boiling my brain at the same time.

Do the doors just reflect radiation? I'm wondering if i could make a mesh shield dome, like the door, but with a gap for the camera to zoom through. Then film it in the garden.

I'm feeling a bit jackass now.

Mark Hartopp
December 14th, 2016, 04:53 PM
@Vince Pachiano & Andy Wilkinson thanks for your ideas. Its proving to be a challenge and I'm sure someone has done this. Microwaves, cameras and cooking tv shows have been around for a long time.

Andrew Smith
December 15th, 2016, 12:27 AM
Curious as to how this all ends, and if the camera sensor is affected or not.

(strokes cat on lap)


Donald McPherson
December 15th, 2016, 05:54 AM
Defiantly don't take my word for it. But I'm sure I heard that the microwaves from an oven only go a few inches out of the box. But please check first.

Mike Sims
December 15th, 2016, 12:45 PM
You might start here - Videos of the INSIDE of the microwave oven compartment! ( and use the wayback machine.