View Full Version : Web Hosting

Eugene Bare
October 25th, 2005, 08:35 AM
I am trying to choose a web host for my videography business, I would like to be able to post clips of my work (weddings, musical performances, etc.) Or even offer to host clients videos for a limited time. I have been eyeing " Host Gator" because of the low monthly cost and 5gb of disk space. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Or any warnings of who not to choose.

Dante Waters
October 25th, 2005, 09:35 PM
well your best bet is
you can check usage and you get:
4 gigs of space
100gigs of transfer a month
and they are rated high on:

Check them out...

Chris Harvey
October 25th, 2005, 10:13 PM
I have been pleased with powweb. For $7.77/month I receive 5 gigs of storage and 300 gigs of transfer a month. Tech support has also been very helpful.


Dante Waters
October 25th, 2005, 11:01 PM
I have been pleased with powweb. For $7.77/month I receive 5 gigs of storage and 300 gigs of transfer a month. Tech support has also been very helpful.


I was going to mention them, however their control panel is rather confusing
and their web server seems to be slow when it comes to certain scripts and xml plugins.

David Mathew Bonner
October 26th, 2005, 12:04 AM
ditto to powweb,
great price, great service, on line chat help at 2am, when you need it most
They get my vote...

Walter S. Chelliah
October 26th, 2005, 01:32 AM
After you read this...'ll be hard pressed to find a better deal anywhere.

I'm signing up.

Bob Costa
October 26th, 2005, 07:03 AM
Powweb says 10GB / day. I sthis one of those ocmpanies that shuts you off when you exceed your daily allotment?

Also, I do not see any mention of streaming support with POWweb...

Eugene Bare
October 26th, 2005, 10:39 AM
Yes streaming video support is very important to me.

David Mathew Bonner
October 26th, 2005, 11:57 AM
10 gbs in one day is a lot. I havn't gone over 3gbs in one day and most days I average 1gb.
I have a lot of clips on line and I get a fair bit of traffic. Not too mention, I post a lot of clips.
As far as streaming goes. You be the judge

Pete Bauer
October 26th, 2005, 12:38 PM
Powweb says 10GB / day. I sthis one of those ocmpanies that shuts you off when you exceed your daily allotment?...

Yup. From the TOS ( page at Powweb:

Bandwidth Usage: PowWeb offers 10 GB of data transfer within a 24 hour period. Sites that use over 8 GB within a 24 hour period will receive an email notification. If the site consumes over 10 GB within 24 hours, HTTP service will automatically be disabled and another email notification will be sent to the customer. Customer must follow the instruction in the email to have their HTTP re-enabled. Sites that consume over our daily limit more than 3 times within a 30 day period will be disabled and client must look into another Web hosting provider to accommodate those high bandwidth needs.

Granted, for most of us that is a lot of bits to move, but before signing up, it's good to be aware. Overall, looks like a reputable operation -- but the feedback of those actually using it is undoubtedly the best barometer.

Eugene Bare
October 27th, 2005, 05:23 AM
Well thank you all for your research and time discussing the options and what to consider. I have chosen Bule host to host my site. I'll post the site when I get it up and running. I have some very funny home video from both clients and myself as well as some of the weddings I have done.thanks again eugene.