Les Wilson
December 3rd, 2016, 05:49 AM
I've done my lighting for about 10 years now with my Lowel, Kleigl and Altman tungsten fixtures but only rarely had to mix with Daylight. I need to do a shoot in a client's home mid-day with a large south facing window as an indirect light source. I've done this successfully elsewhere using CTB gel and dichroic filters on the Lowel Omnis and Pros (see attached uncorrected still from video).
I'd like to use my Lowel Rifa 44 eXchange softbox configured with a CFL. I went to shop the Lowel CFL but I found these Photo/Video CFLs from ALZO on Amazon with a better delivery date.
The ALZO guy in the video warns against mixing daylight CFLs with sunlight. Is that true? ANyone use these ALZO lamps? TIA
Steven Digges
December 5th, 2016, 11:18 AM
I am not the best person to answer this. And I don't use CFLs. I have (like you) mixed my Lowell tungsten with daylight. I think a point to remember here is that the true temperature of daylight is not fixed at 5600, it changes all the time. That may mean that adjusting your manual white balance more than once on set may be necessary depending on the length of your shoot.
I would test it in advance or I would not do it. I am a fanatic about capturing the cleanest signal I can on set. I NEVER shoot with the thought of "I can fix it in post". Adjustments are one thing, repairs are another. I'm curious, why don't you stick with what has worked for you in the past? If the Rifa is CFL loose it. Soften an omni if you don't have time to test the CFL mix pre shoot.
Just my 2 cents.....
Kind Regards,
Les Wilson
December 5th, 2016, 11:49 AM
Thanks Steve,
We're the same. I shoot WYSIWYG using the measured "net" color temp between the filtered Lowels and whatever is coming in the windows at the time. Color correct to taste/pop/sweeten.
I hate fiussing with the Lowel diffusion gels, frames and spill when I have this nice, fast and portable softbox with grate and exchangable lamp. I can't imagine why the ALZO guy recommends against mixing 5500 photo CFL with daylight. On the last shoot as shown above, the measured white balance was 4900 mixing the Lowel's 5600K and daylight on a cloudy late afternoon.
I ordered the CFL and will test it out.
Seth Bloombaum
December 6th, 2016, 11:56 AM
Why not a sheet of CTB on the Rifa/tungsten? A couple of C47s, a sheet each of Full, Half and Quarter CTB are in my kit and frequently get tossed on the Rifa. Lowel may only include little gels in their kits, but any lighting/grip supplier has 20x24" sheets for under $10ea.
I do use 3/4 and 1/2 CTB more frequently on the softbox, as they pass more light. I'm very accepting of slight differences in color temp on the back light or sider, and frequently use window light as a sider in the situation you describe. In that scenario I'd front-light with the Rifa as a soft key and color-balance to it. That will have the window as a *slightly* cool sider, which is a very natural look, well motivated, with good dimensionality.
Don't forget a reflector or two...
Steven Digges
December 6th, 2016, 01:00 PM
Good idea Seth.
Les, if your getting low on output from the Rifa loose the crate. My 15* crates take up at least a full stop at 500W on my Rifa 55s. I love the control of the light but sometimes the crate has to go on my small boxes. If I go with 750W its OK but I think my 55s are rated for 500W. Its been so long since I looked I don't remember ;-? Anyway, they have never gone up in flames!