View Full Version : The Los Angeles Debut of Final Cut Pro 10.3

Michael Horton
November 9th, 2016, 01:41 PM
Join us Wednesday, Nov. 30 for the LA Debut of Final Cut Pro 10,3. Joining us will be Apple to show off the new features.
Plus Sam Mestman, Patrick Southern, Kevin Bailey, and Gergana Angelova will walk us through a brand new narrative workflow built around the new FCPX 10.3 update.
And Stump the Gurus and World Famous Raffle.
A night you do not want to miss. Over half the seats gone, so register soon.

LACPUG Next Meeting (

John Nantz
November 10th, 2016, 04:36 AM
Michael - for some of us where it is physically impossible to be there, will there be a video posted on-line, like on Vimeo, so we can see what happened? Maybe with a B-roll cam for close-ups on any details?

If a video is made, if it would be long, it may be helpful to make it in parts: Intro, features, questions & answers. Just sayin'.

I haven't upgraded from the previous version yet due to uncompleted projects but I do have another video-only computer that will be dedicated for editing with the new version. I find it less stressful to go this route than having to deal with troubleshooting any problems due to updating.

Michael Horton
November 10th, 2016, 10:53 AM
We can't tape Apple's presentation as they don't allow it. but we will try and tape the other. We put all videos here: