Nigel Davey
November 2nd, 2016, 07:57 AM
I remember reading here (I think) that some FS5 owners have been having issues with the scroll/select button on the side of their FS5's, ie it stopped working. Can anyone provide a link to that thread please?
The 'select' (rather than scroll) action on mine has intermittently stopped working today. Unfortunately my FS5 has already been back to Sony twice for quality related repairs. Initially for dust inside the sealed chip area and then during that repair the repair centre damaged the inner casing so badly that there were reflections on any recording made after it was sent back to me. I spotted the issue as soon as it was returned (you could see it all twisted inside) but amazingly their engineer still sent it back stating it was repaired. So then I had to wait nearly 2 months for the part to come from Japan. Admittedly Sony did issue me with a loan FS5 during that time.
But amongst all this there was a second focus issue that only appeared when my Sony 35mm F1.8 lens when coupled with my FS5. So they recommended sending the lens back with the camera (but no loan lens, so 2 months without my 35mm). When my FS5 was returned with the lens the repair centre hadn't pinned down what the issue was and the lens is still displaying the same symptoms in certain filming scenarios.
So now I really can't accept my camera will need to go away yet again.... a third time for a camera that has only has 120 operational hours on it! Shocking quality control on Sony's behalf.
The 'select' (rather than scroll) action on mine has intermittently stopped working today. Unfortunately my FS5 has already been back to Sony twice for quality related repairs. Initially for dust inside the sealed chip area and then during that repair the repair centre damaged the inner casing so badly that there were reflections on any recording made after it was sent back to me. I spotted the issue as soon as it was returned (you could see it all twisted inside) but amazingly their engineer still sent it back stating it was repaired. So then I had to wait nearly 2 months for the part to come from Japan. Admittedly Sony did issue me with a loan FS5 during that time.
But amongst all this there was a second focus issue that only appeared when my Sony 35mm F1.8 lens when coupled with my FS5. So they recommended sending the lens back with the camera (but no loan lens, so 2 months without my 35mm). When my FS5 was returned with the lens the repair centre hadn't pinned down what the issue was and the lens is still displaying the same symptoms in certain filming scenarios.
So now I really can't accept my camera will need to go away yet again.... a third time for a camera that has only has 120 operational hours on it! Shocking quality control on Sony's behalf.