View Full Version : Vegas Edit vs Pro

Ron Coleman
October 19th, 2016, 10:11 AM
I missed the Oct 16 deadline for the upgrade and now the Magix site shows a $250 upgrade price for Vegas Pro. Vegas Edit is $149. What would I be missing if I took Edit instead of Pro. Would I be better off waiting for the next version? Seems kind of pricey for an upgrade.

Rainer Listing
October 19th, 2016, 04:46 PM
Upgrade extended to 31 October. No change to prices. Vegas Edit price is still $199. Difference between Edit and Pro is a few extra plugins. It's very pricey for an upgrade that doesn't have a whole lot of features. Has a few bug fixes, which we shouldn't have to pay for, and judging by the Magix forum introduces a few new bugs which hopefully will be fixed in the next version. Main trouble with Vegas apart from the bugs is once you get used to it, all the rest look clunky. If it's working for you, why upgrade? (I'm waiting for the next version).

Jo Ouwejan
October 20th, 2016, 02:50 AM
DVD Architect is also missing in the Edit version.

Leslie Wand
October 20th, 2016, 04:48 AM
+1 all rainers observations

Mike Kujbida
October 20th, 2016, 04:49 AM
If you already have DVDA 5.2 or 6.0, you're not going to miss anything. MAGIX calls it DVDA 7.0 but the only difference is the new owner's name on it.

Ron Coleman
October 23rd, 2016, 04:02 PM
I got another e-mail today offering the Vegas Pro upgrade for $199, but when I follow the link to the Magix site it says $249. The e-mail doesn't indicate that the price is for Vegas Pro Edit, but it looks like that's what they are offering. Kind of like a bait-and-switch. Seems pricey to pay $199 for just the edit program, especially if it is mostly just bug fixes.

The only reason I'm even considering upgrading is that I'm still on Vegas 11 and there are some bugs that were never fixed in that version. Some of the editing and rendering functionality just doesn't work properly. When I edited some video recently, I got squiggly video at some of the edit points.

I don't need DVD Architect and still have the version that came with Vegas 11. I was really just hoping to get a current version of Vegas that works properly.

Sony offered much better upgrade deals than this. Guess I'll have to think it over between now and October 30. I'm not sure what to think of Magix, but this doesn't seem like a good way to retain customers. I may have to look at other options. Would be interested to hear some additional thoughts from other users.

Ian Stark
October 24th, 2016, 01:39 AM
I agree that the pricing is steep for a seemingly minor upgrade, but if I read it correctly you're looking to jump from version 11. I wonder if the $199 price is for people upgrading from v13? Just speculating.

Ron Coleman
October 24th, 2016, 06:11 PM
Well they did e-mail me the upgrade offer, so I would think it applies to me. I need to decide by October 30 whether to take it and which product. Sounds like Edit is all I need, but I wonder if it's worth $199. For all we know, they might come out with another version next spring or summer and try to gig us for another $199. Hard to say, since we don't have any experience with Magix. Sony always offered an upgrade of the entire suite for $137 for a limited time when a new version came out.

George Dean
October 25th, 2016, 10:01 AM
The current deal $199 Edit, $249 Pro, and $349 Suite, was labeled as an upgrade, the purchase did not require a previous version serial number, so anyone can buy it. That to me is a fire sale promotion, not an upgrade, although they continue to state it is an upgrade for previous users. Of course this deal isn't as good as the pre-release deal, buy v13 for $199 and get v14 free when released, and that also was available to anyone without the requirement of a serial number, and it was also labeled as an upgrade!!

Magix has offered, via these deals, a good price for the lame product to new users, but at the expense of the loyal community of previous Vegas Pro owners. I feel the integrity of their business practices has been broken. Sony did put aside development improvement of Vegas for a sale to someone. Magix picked it up, made a lame effort at version 14 to soon. They could have promoted v14 to release in January 2017, giving them time to make giant improvements, well worth the retail of $595 and promoted it on an introductory of $299 to new users and $175 to previous Vegas owners. If they had improved the GPU acceleration, and a few other major improvements, I think they would have been heroes.

I think they tripped on their own feet coming out of the gate and are now missing the boat!

Ron Coleman
October 29th, 2016, 11:26 AM
Looks like the deadline has been extended to November 18. I didn't realize this offer didn't require any previous serial numbers. It's disappointing that having paid for the full version and several upgrades over the years doesn't buy me anything.

Leslie Wand
October 29th, 2016, 05:18 PM
they can extend it indefinitely for all i care - there's no way i'm going to pay for a bug fix that introduces worse bugs.

i'll look at 15, but i don't like the way magix has gone about handling ANYTHING so far...

Ron Coleman
November 4th, 2016, 09:50 AM
The only reason I'm even considering it is the problem I mentioned above where some of the edits get messed up when rendering a video. I'm leaning against it at this point, but I haven't made a final decision. Last time I dealt with a German software company was when I had some problems with the Nero burning software. They advertised "Satisfaction Guaranteed" on their website, but they ignored my request for a refund when I wasn't satisfied. I know it's a different company, but maybe there are cultural differences in the way these overseas companies handle customer complaints. Not sure what to make of Magix at this point.

George Dean
November 4th, 2016, 01:47 PM
The only reason I'm even considering it is the problem I mentioned above where some of the edits get messed up when rendering a video.

Hi Ron,

Here are a couple thoughts..........

Download the trial version of Magix Vegas Pro 14 to check if it will overcome the problems you are having with Sony Vegas Pro 11. If it does, and you feel it is worth $199 for Edit, $249 for Pro, or $349 for Suite, you have until at least November 18th to purchase.

B&H Photo is still offering download version upgrades to Sony Vegas Pro 13 for $179.99 and Sony Vegas Pro 13 Edit for $154.95.

Good Luck with your decisions.....

Ron Coleman
November 4th, 2016, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the ideas, George. I'll start by trying the trial. I didn't realize there was a free trial available.

Adam Stanislav
November 5th, 2016, 10:22 AM
Download the trial version of Magix Vegas Pro 14

Where can you download it from? I have never found that option anywhere.

Dave Baker
November 5th, 2016, 10:37 AM
Go on the Vegas website and click the 30 day trial box!

Ron Coleman
November 5th, 2016, 11:09 AM
So if I buy the $154.95 v13 Vegas Edit upgrade from B&H Video, I qualify for the free upgrade from v13 to the new version from Magix?

Ron Coleman
November 5th, 2016, 11:31 AM
Looks like B&H Photo only has the boxed version of v13 now for $179. I wonder how easy it is to get the free upgrade from Magix?

George Dean
November 9th, 2016, 08:40 AM
Looks like B&H Photo only has the boxed version of v13 now for $179. I wonder how easy it is to get the free upgrade from Magix?

What B&H Photo is offering is the Sony Vegas Pro 13, not the Magix Vegas Pro 13. There was a deal offered back in July/August to buy v13 for $199 and get free v14 when released. It appears the purchase had to be through Magix. That deal has expired. I haven't heard of any other free upgrade offer from v13 to v14.

Ron Coleman
November 10th, 2016, 03:30 PM
Thanks, I downloaded the trial from Magix and registered to get the full 30 days. I'll if it fixes the problems I had with v11 and decide before the upgrade offer expires. If it works, I may go ahead and upgrade since I'm 3 versions behind.

Ron Coleman
November 10th, 2016, 03:36 PM
I have earlier versions of DVD Architect and never use it anyway. I don't burn many discs anymore, and when I do I use Total Media Extreme, which is discontinued but still gets the job done. So it sounds like Edit is sufficient if I decide to upgrade. I really appreciate the replies.

Ron Coleman
November 19th, 2016, 12:09 AM
I followed George's suggestion and ran the trial version, which seems to have corrected the issues I was having with v11. Since the website still shows the upgrade offer expiring November 18 (yesterday), I went ahead and bought it. I went with the Edit version for $199, since I don't need DVD Architect. I also installed the new build that came out yesterday. Since I didn't buy the last two versions, I guess I really shouldn't complain about the price.

George Dean
November 19th, 2016, 09:24 AM
Where can you download it from? I have never found that option anywhere.

Test VEGAS Creative Software for free (

Adam Stanislav
November 19th, 2016, 10:49 AM
Test VEGAS Creative Software for free (

Thank you. I went there, and they want $599. Wow! Sony used to have separate pricing for current users, these people apparently do not.

George Dean
November 19th, 2016, 02:04 PM
Thank you. I went there, and they want $599. Wow! Sony used to have separate pricing for current users, these people apparently do not.

VEGAS Pro 14 Edit (

They have extended this offer through November 18th, but I just checked and it is still up, so maybe you can get it there.....

Magix Vegas Pro 14 Edit $199.00 USD, Magix Vegas Pro 14 $249.00 USD, and Magix Vegas Pro 14 Suite $349.00 USD.

Jorma Nippala
November 19th, 2016, 05:24 PM
If you have a previous version of Vegas Pro, try this

Ron Coleman
November 19th, 2016, 10:24 PM
I tested the link above with my v11 serial number and it still shows the $199 upgrade for Edit, so it should work.

Adam Stanislav
November 25th, 2016, 06:19 PM
Thanks, everyone. I downloaded the trial today, then decided to get the full upgrade, which is currently $299.

One thing annoyed me, namely that, unlike Sony, they don’t offer a boxed version, but only a download version. So, I had to go to OfficeMax, buy some recordable DVDs, just to realize I grabbed a box of recordable CDs after I came home. I burned everything on to that CD (it only required 5% of its capacity anyway), and will keep that CD in my box for Sony Vegas 12 (the last Sony Version I had).


Adam Stanislav
November 26th, 2016, 02:50 PM
And now I wish I had gone for the $199 version. The version I got comes mostly with some Boris plugins (BCC), but I have no idea how to use them, as they are completely non-intuitive and came with no manual. :(

George Dean
November 27th, 2016, 09:13 AM
The version I got comes mostly with some Boris plugins (BCC), but I have no idea how to use them, as they are completely non-intuitive and came with no manual. :(

Hi Adam,

I don't have Vegas Pro 14, nor do I use BorisFX in Vegas Pro 13, but there are quite a few tutorials on YouTube how to use BCC in Vegas Pro by John Rofrano. These tutorials may help you get some use from the plugins.

Adam Stanislav
November 27th, 2016, 10:33 AM
Thanks, George. I have seen a few of the YouTube tutorials, and found them quite confusing. But at least I have figured out one of those plugins by now and will probably make a tutorial myself. Especially since my new computer is an MSI GT72s 6QE Dominator Pro G laptop with the Nvidia GTX980M video card that allows me to record anything I do with the computer (including sound) straight into an MP4 video using hardware compression.

And I am hoping that eventually I will somehow figure out the rest of the plugins.

Jorma Nippala
November 27th, 2016, 03:57 PM
See if this holds true. "Help documents for individual BCC effects are accessible directly from each plug-in’s UI." (Click ?) And "The BCC help system is also available on the BorisFX website at"

Adam Stanislav
November 27th, 2016, 04:36 PM
Thanks, Jorma. Yes, it gives you a help document, mostly for using the plugin with Adobe AE. That is a far cry from a Vegas-plugin-specific PDF file to print out on paper and read comfortably. Vegas itself comes with such a PDF (though that PDF claims there is an add keyframe button at the bottom of effects, which was true before v.14, but the button is missing in v.14, you have to double-click at the place you want to add the keyframe instead).