View Full Version : Montreal Fall Kino-Kabaret ended 2 days ago

Jean-Francois Robichaud
October 24th, 2005, 01:42 PM
The 4th annual Montreal Fall Kino-Kabaret had its 5th and final screening this past Saturday, after 10 days (and sleepless nights) of hard work by participants from around the world. It was the end of the biggest video-making marathon event of its kind. For ten days, filmmakers gathered to collaborate on over 75 short movies. With a screening every 48 hours, there was little time for resting.

This year, the event welcomed guests from France, UK, Australia and the US. Overall, there must have been over 100 participants (directors, actors, technicians, musicians). The variety in the movies was surprising, and the quality of the work was often outstanding. Participants had access to equipment such as XL2 cameras, sound kits, as well as a pool of professional actors willing to work in front of the camera. For the second year, there was a steadycam operator willing to work on multiple shoots every day.

The Kino-Kabaret concept is based on collaboration. There is no competition involved, no prizes. Participants are expected to help others complete their films. On any given day, one could do sound on one shoot, operate the camera on another and edit yet another movie.

Other Kino-Kabarets are about to start in Berlin, Brest (France) and Madison (Wisconsin).

Jon Miova
October 24th, 2005, 11:42 PM
Dommage de savoir ça en retard :-(