View Full Version : Finally!MPEG HD recording options for PXW-FS5

Samer Aslan
September 9th, 2016, 01:06 PM
As title,it will be a paid option but for me it's worth it.It's still the most requested format from broadcasters and clients I have.
Good news from IBC!

link from Sony UK:CBKZ-SLMP (CBKZSLMP) : Product Overview : United Kingdom : Sony Professional (

link from 4kshooters:IBC 2016: Sony PXW-FS5 Gets MPEG2 HD 422 Recording as Paid Upgrade License | 4K Shooters (

Glen Vandermolen
September 9th, 2016, 01:14 PM
Yes! I've been waiting for this. I'll be getting it.