View Full Version : Hurricane Wilma

Heath McKnight
October 23rd, 2005, 11:01 PM
I'll be riding out the storm on the southeast coast of Florida. Everyone who lives in FL BE SAFE.


Greg Boston
October 23rd, 2005, 11:09 PM
I'll be riding out the storm on the southeast coast of Florida. Everyone who lives in FL BE SAFE.


Be careful Heath and let us know how you fared after the storm passes.


Heath McKnight
October 23rd, 2005, 11:33 PM
Will do.


K. Forman
October 23rd, 2005, 11:57 PM
It looks like its gonna get us, doesn't it?

Joe Carney
October 24th, 2005, 01:14 PM
The eye passed over my sons house in SW Boca. Last I heard it was pretty bad.

Mike Teutsch
October 27th, 2005, 08:11 AM
I hope that all faired well. My third hurricane in about 13 months. No major damage this time, just minor and a big mess. I was just North of the eye wall so got no break this time. The front of the storm was not so bad, but the back was really strong. Got power back last night, and internet this morning.

I spent a lot of time taking video from my back patio and from in front of the house. During the back half, the wind came out of the North and my front door was protected by my garage. I hope the video comes out good, but was hard to keep the lens and the camera dry and still! I'll post some when I get it edited. Just got power back last night.

Are you back on yet Heath? Let us know! I have a generator available for anyone who is still without power, but I think you live in a condo don't you Heath?

I hope that this is the last one for this year anyway. Good luck all!


Heath McKnight
October 27th, 2005, 08:21 AM
Back on and sitting in Orlando International Airport after not being able to get on an 8:30 AM flight. Parking is horrible here because everyone from South Florida came up here, about 160 miles from Palm Beach County, Florida, as the 3 airports are having plenty of problems.

I'm heading to Chicago for the VASST HDV show with Spot (, and am on stand-by. This hurricane messed everything up. Getting gas on the rest areas was impossible even 40 miles or so south of Orlando. Gas is a rarity, but my fiancee told me we got power and phones back yesterday. My cell phone didn't even work until I was 50 miles north of West Palm Beach.

Ugh...Oh, well, that's the way things work, I guess. At least I have wifi, but trying to get a home re-fi done before the end of the month is turning into a bigger nightmare...


Heath McKnight
October 30th, 2005, 10:50 AM
Got home and more people are getting power back. Gas lines still stink and lots of traffic lights out, which means 4-way stops. Really adds time to one's trip...
