View Full Version : First time doing a same day edit

Travis Heberling
August 8th, 2016, 09:10 PM
First time doing a same day edit: Ignazio + Amber Same Day Edit on Vimeo

We had some complications at the church with areas we could and couldnt be as well as my wireless lav mic being moved and causing static to the audio. X_X Overall though I feel like our team did a great job.

Here is also the reaction video: Ignazio + Amber Same Day Edit REACTIONS on Vimeo

Noa Put
August 9th, 2016, 01:05 AM
Nice one, the drone shot of the couple leaving the church was epic, unfortunately where I live there is no way I would get an approval from the town to fly like that over a church. With how many people where you to cover this event? I mainly work alone which is why I never make an SDE, I also wouldn't like the timepressure to make such a film.
If there is one point of criticism I can give is the voice over that is used, at a certain point you hear the bride talking and getting emotional but there is no footage of that. It also took me a while to realize that she was reading his vows because at a certain point I hear her say "babe, you are an amazing woman" and that was when I paused the film thinking, "what did she just say to her husband?" :) I missed the connection there with some images while she was reading, same when they where talking in church, there is a small part where you see him say something to her in church but again no matching sound, was this done because of time constraints?

Travis Heberling
August 9th, 2016, 07:14 AM
It was a time constraint thing. I've been thinking of showing more of them reading for the final.

Thanks for your comments!