View Full Version : GY HD 110U AC Power/Battery Issue

Jay Webster
August 3rd, 2016, 10:36 AM
Well I finally have run into the problem with the tip of the AC power plug breaking off inside the camera. This causes the camera to not recognize battery power. I have read that you can "twist out the yellow tip" with a jewelers screwdriver and the battery will work again. My question is if I do that will the AC adapter still work??
Jay Webster

Jay Massengill
August 20th, 2016, 09:36 AM
If you make sure the camera has no battery attached, and VERY CAREFULLY use the absolute sharpest pair of needle nose pliers you can find (like literally NEEDLE nose, not commonly available but I have an antique pair that belonged to my father) then you should be able to grasp and withdraw the broken plug straight out with no "twisting" involved.

I would advise against any twisting, bending or prying if you still want to use the AC port in the future.

An alternative to extremely sharp needle nose pliers might be a set of snap ring pliers, especially if you can see the hollow interior of the broken plug. Using snap ring pliers that are set to expand the tips when you grip the handles rather than close the tips, you could probably get enough interior grip on the inside of the plug to slide it straight out.

All done at your own risk of course! I make no claims of success, just suggestions based on what I would carefully try.

Can you post a macro photo straight into the jack with the broken plug visible?

Jay Webster
November 21st, 2016, 07:13 PM
Thanks for the reply Jay.
Since I am using the camera for streaming some rather long local government meetings I am reluctant to mess with pulling out the stuck plug. I just cant afford to risk the AC adapter not working.
It is frustrating not being able to use the camera without AC cords though!

Kurt Franz
March 26th, 2017, 05:59 AM
I recently picked up an HD111 which unfortunately had the same issue. I used a tiny pair of needle nose pliers and carefully twisted the plastic until it broke off inside . I was not able to pull it out after trying for hours. However, after the plastic broke off the battery fired right up. I just found an AC cord on eBay to testify out. If you are still interested let me know


Paul R Johnson
March 26th, 2017, 01:48 PM
If the plug has broken off, then the adaptor is not going to work anyway without a new connector. When my attempts with pliers fails, I've often found a set of fingernail clippers work quite well, as the edges are very sharp and can get a grip on either the plastic, or the broken off wires. In really tricky cases, then araldite a cocktail stick to the connector, let it set, then pull it out.

Jay Webster
March 16th, 2019, 10:55 PM
Well, Thanks guys, after a long reply back I thank you for your comments.
I still use the camera for civic streaming jobs where I can run it off of AC power. But have moved on for other corporate, promotional work. I do have to say that after so many years of camera rentals, camera ownership,...Well, I can only say this camera doesn't owe me anything! I mean I still use it for live Civic streaming of my local towns govt. meetings!
Thank you all for your comments! It's so cool to have this kind of forum where we can all share!

Paul R Johnson
March 17th, 2019, 11:01 AM
The simplest way around this is to get a cocktail stick, mix up a small amount of epoxy and glue the cocktail stick to the remnant of the broken off plug. Then when its dry, pull it out, and normal service restored.