View Full Version : two h1 zooms different levels

Steve Bleasdale
July 18th, 2016, 08:06 AM
Help, i thought Saturday was the fans in church but tested my two h1s and in a silent room one h1 has slight hiss noise while the other is quiet as a mouse. Weird anyone know what this is. Levels 80 manual, low cut off, wav file not mp3. steve

Andrew Smith
July 18th, 2016, 09:12 AM
I too have two Zoom H1 units. One has an orange back light for the screen which comes on when it is being operated, the other one (purchased at a different time) doesn't.


Steve Bleasdale
July 18th, 2016, 09:23 AM
weird testing just updated firmware to version 2.10 then both went funny switched off twice and on now they are both very silent indeed???

Jay Massengill
July 18th, 2016, 07:48 PM
Back when one had hiss and one had no noise, did you test both of them recording simultaneously side by side using one nearby sound source to see if they recorded the strong source at the same level and quality (I mean independent of the hiss as best as you could tell)?

Or did the one with hiss also have a dramatically different level or quality of recording of the sound source in addition to having noticeable hiss?

Did both units have known good batteries?

At any rate, I'm glad it seems to have cleared up. Hopefully that won't pop up again, but intermittent problems that go away on their own can try your patience and confidence. I'm always thinking it will happen again at the worst possible moment.

Steve Bleasdale
July 18th, 2016, 10:27 PM
Jay, ye i tested in a quiet room together side by side and the one with hiss was most defiantly showing a raise in the db bars, while the other was showing lower, i did notice though that it was set to 44/16 and not 48/24 bit rate so i have put the two at 48/24 and did the firmware update to latest version and seems to have done the trick. Thanks