View Full Version : "Quick Start" Help requested

Ed Roo
July 17th, 2016, 10:50 PM
My previous experience is with Final Cut 7 on a MacBook Pro, transferring tapes from my XH-A1.

I just shot an oral history interview this evening with my new XF300. I have a new MacPro with Final Cut X.
I used the Canon XF Utility to backup the recorded files from the card to an external HD. I also exported the files to MFX to a folder the external HD.

This will be my first project with FCX, how do I import the MFX clips into FCX? Will FCX import directly from the MFX file folder? I did download the Canon MFX plugin file for FCX.

I have read different parts of the manuals, and at this point I am not comprehending what I am reading.

Your help is appreciated.