View Full Version : Cant set Rec Run T/C on my C100 Mk1

Kevin O'Connor
July 1st, 2016, 08:57 AM
Hello, I rented a Atomos Ninja Blade for the first time to use this weekend and I can't get it to control the start / stop of my C100 or the other way around.

Not sure if my time code setting are correct in the C100 but I can't seem to select the Record Run option in the T/C menu.

Is there a specific mode the C100 needs to be set to to select the Rec Run option?

Thanks, KPO.

Mark Watson
July 1st, 2016, 10:53 AM

This link might help:
How to Set Up The Canon C100 & Atomos Ninja 2 | planet5D curated digital image news (

Canon FAQ:


Kevin O'Connor
July 1st, 2016, 11:08 AM
That did it thanks.

It's seems some of the instructions in the Ninja Blade manual is writer for the SDI version of the Ninja and it's not clearly stated what version the instructions are written for.

Thanks for the quick help.