Jurgen Bauwens
June 21st, 2016, 01:34 PM
Does an fs-7 scene file work on an F5 and will this give me the exactly same look as on the fs-7?
View Full Version : fs-7 scene files on F5 Jurgen Bauwens June 21st, 2016, 01:34 PM Does an fs-7 scene file work on an F5 and will this give me the exactly same look as on the fs-7? Alister Chapman June 27th, 2016, 01:26 PM They will be extremely close but there are some very small processing differences between the two cameras. Dave Sperling June 27th, 2016, 05:27 PM Alister, are you talking about being able to somehow read the FS7's scene file directly into an F5? - or are you talking about manually transposing the numeric settings? Doug Jensen June 27th, 2016, 08:04 PM Post removed. Oops, 10 seconds after posting I realized the question is about the F5 and not FS5. Michael Stevenson June 28th, 2016, 09:27 PM Post removed. Oops, 10 seconds after posting I realized the question is about the F5 and not FS5. Way to jump the gun, Doug. Just kidding. (_8^(|) Anything new in your world? Doug Jensen June 29th, 2016, 03:52 AM Yeah, I actually had written a detailed reply about matching the FS7 and FS5, but then it turns out that was a waste of time so I deleted it all into the trash bin of cyberspace. Gotta get new glasses. Seriously between needing stronger reading glasses every year and my dyslexia I can barely see the difference betwee FS5 and F55 if I'm not careful about it. What's new? I'm teaching three different production classes in Maine for three weeks using my FS7/FS5/F55 while also trying to squeeze in some early morning and evening shooting with my Z150 to get a handle on it's capabilities. Pretty impressive camera for $3200. Michael Stevenson June 29th, 2016, 01:55 PM Yeah, I actually had written a detailed reply about matching the FS7 and FS5, but then it turns out that was a waste of time so I deleted it all into the trash bin of cyberspace. Gotta get new glasses. Seriously between needing stronger reading glasses every year and my dyslexia I can barely see the difference betwee FS5 and F55 if I'm not careful about it. What's new? I'm teaching three different production classes in Maine for three weeks using my FS7/FS5/F55 while also trying to squeeze in some early morning and evening shooting with my Z150 to get a handle on it's capabilities. Pretty impressive camera for $3200. Doug, I have the same problem with my eyes. The Sony Z150 looks very nice. I would love to see some of your footage shot with it. Doug Jensen June 29th, 2016, 05:01 PM I'll try to upload some Z150 footage when I get back home next week. I'm very interested to see how it all looks in post myself. Paul Cronin June 30th, 2016, 05:31 AM Hi Doug, Hope your summer is going well. Z150 does look like a nice option for me while offshore. Doug Jensen July 3rd, 2016, 04:49 PM Doug, I have the same problem with my eyes. The Sony Z150 looks very nice. I would love to see some of your footage shot with it. Your wish is my command. Here's some Z150 stuff I shot last week and graded today. Sony PXW-Z150 4K Test Footage on Vimeo John Cummings July 27th, 2016, 07:53 PM Nice looking stuff, Doug. Really nice. Doug Jensen March 21st, 2017, 05:09 PM More footage from the Z150, this time posted in 4K . . . Florida Wildlife 4K Stock Footage shot with the Sony PXW-Z150 on Vimeo |