View Full Version : UHD Fujinon 13x & 22x lenses for CMOS or CCD?

Sam Lee
June 14th, 2016, 08:21 AM
4K optics are available to 2/3" format from Fujinon & Canon. The question here is that if one is to invest in this $40K+ lens, can it be used in older 2/3" 3-CCD 1080p HD cameras? It looks to me that pretty much all of the newer 4K 2/3" are in CMOS or MOS type of sensor. And who would in their right mind invest in 4K when 8K is already in the works. Not going to spend another $40K for 8K rated EFP/ENG lens!

I'm still using a 12 years old 2/3" HD lenses from Fujinon. Granted it's not as crisp and sharp (especially at extreme corners) vs the newer generation of 2/3" HD, but it's still pretty darn sharp back in 2004 era.

Paul Anderegg
October 1st, 2017, 09:48 PM
Sam, I tend to try to buy used and stay with the latest of the old tech. First generation HD glass looks pretty bad today, you can typically tell an HJ21 Canon by it's blue edging and red/green chromatic abberrations.

I think $8000 for a minty HJ22 or HJ14 would be a great value on a 4K camera, unless your query was specific to the bayer issues and 3 chip vs single chip?
